Monday, June 21, 2010

Challenge 162: Garlic

Back to life. Home from vacation and it has its good parts and bad parts.

The good: seeing the puppy, sleeping in our own bed, going to the gym
The bad: going back to work, that underlying feeling of anxiety about said work, responsibilities

Overall, I woke up more anxious than the day turned out to be. I didn't have any clients today so I got to sleep in before I went to the gym and take my time while I was there. Leisurely morning. Then work, which was fine but a lot of work today. Tasks keep getting added on to my plate, while the pay stays the same ("it's only a matter of time before I won't need this job," I tell myself). It's fine though. Then Vaughn offered to make me dinner and right now the smell of garlic is wafting through the air and the sound of chopping is being heard.

I feel calm (it might be the glass of wine). The house is warm. Music is playing and no alarming emails are in my inbox. Just good ones. Of family and friends and clients telling me of their wins. We have two episodes of FNL to watch. I say it's going to be a good night.

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