Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Challenge 157: This stuff goes deep

I feel like this day has already had a million lifetimes. It started early and has been filled so many different things. My alarm buzzed at an early 7am. I made an agreement to myself and my coach that I would go to the gym Monday, Wednesday and Friday from here on out no matter what. Which means when I have a full day, I have to get up early to get to the gym. The catch is that I owe her $50 every time I don't go. Luckily, I'm motivated by not having to pay money.

Gym, clients, call with my mentor (which completely sent me into a deep, dark, scary territory which I'm still feeling), certification class, clients, clients, OPRAH VIDEO!!! Clients. Emails. So much stuff. The ups and downs of today are extreme. And not downs in the bad way. In the emotional way.

The Oprah video is up. Help me get my own show on her network! VOTE VOTE VOTE as many times as you can.

This whole process of doing the video and sending it out to friends and family has been big for me. To me, it signifies vulnerability. I was THIS close to not telling any of you, but decided "what the heck?" Who cares. And it's up and has almost 1,000 votes already and am getting great feedback. I feel great. I feel supported.

This year is about stretching for me. Growing, learning, stretching. I'm exhausted from my internal work with my mentor and if I didn't have to pack for our flight tonight (VACATION!!! MUCH NEEDED) you'd probably be getting another "Dear Sally" post. This stuff goes deep.