Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Challenge 246: What will it be?

UGH! Today has just been one of those days where I felt on the verge of tears the whole time. It started off with breakfast in bed (which was AMAZING) and then seemed to go downhill from there. Fast.

I FINALLY made an appointment with a local hair stylist since I can't keep traveling to Santa Barbara. I procrastinated over a year because I was afraid to let anyone but Ann touch my hair. Well...I had to do something so I went to this girl, and I HATE my haircut that I paid too much for. UGH! So annnnnnoying! It looks worse than when I went in there. And my boss has crossed the line today. I'm so tired off it all. He expects so damn much from me, and for what I do, I should be getting paid three times what I make. I'm so frustrated with myself for still being in a situation I hate. Where are my balls? Where did that girl go that never did anything she didn't like, and made it all work? She's gotta be in there somewhere. I just want to say FUCK IT! I'll figure it out.

I read this amazing article (http://binduwiles.com/buddhism/the-law-of-the-ugly-chair-guest-post-by-danielle-laporte/)about getting rid of the things in life that you don't like or aren't serving you. And how the universe always provides the right thing once you do the clearing. She calls it the law of the "ugly chair." Well my ugly chair is this job. And I keep going back saying, "well, it's not THAT bad, or THAT hard and I still need the money" but I fear that it's that attitude that is preventing me from finding the ways to fill in that money doing things I love or matter to me. I'm just waiting around for a new chair to appear before I get rid of that ugly ass eyesore in the corner. According to the theory, the getting-rid-of has to happen first. Not the other way around. I've set up a meeting with my boss for this week. What will it be?


  1. I agree with everything the article said. The second I quit my shitty job another, better opportunity came along. It's funny how negative energy creates more negative energy.... and it scares the good stuff away. QUIT!!!!!!!!
