February 28, 2010
So it's the last day of February and I definitely did not reach my lose 5 lbs goal. It's my fault though. I didn't try very hard and I let myself off the hook with things like family visits, or Superbowl or cheese plates! Either way, I want to put it back on the list for this next month.
Yesterday was packed to the brim. What started out as no real plans, ended up in lots of full plans. Spent most of the afternoon with Lily and family at Ikea. It was fun to see her whole house worth of furniture come together. Quite a big task, but we made it and will soon have the furniture to decorate her new place.
Determined to get the house decorated, I came home and got started pretty much right away. I first, had to clean. Then some creative planning. Then some hammer and nailing. Then some art projecting. It finally came together and I'm so happy with it! I will post a picture soon. I even made some time to work on the dining room. It's not as together as the kitchen, but it's coming closer.
Today I went to work and am now lounging around. I have some work to do on my coaching stuff, so that's my challenge for today.
Challenge 47: Finish one-sheet
47 down. 318 to go.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Challenge 46: Decorate the kitchen
February 27, 2010
It's a sunny Saturday morning here in Oakland. A little unexpected, since weather.com said it was going to be rainy. Either way, I'm happy about it. It's 11 am and I've already scratched 4 things off my to-do list and I'm feeling pretty good about that. This morning, Coach and I walked up to the pet store and he got to pick out a new toy and get some new treats. I've got a very happy puppy right now.
Yesterday my challenge was to get what I needed at work. It didn't happen. Partly because of some circumstances with the family (them needing to spend some QT together so me not staying after to chat) and I think partly because I was tired. The lesson for me here is to make sure I'm valuing and standing up for myself. These things aren't that big of a deal, but they still need to be handled. We agreed to chat about it today.
In a bit of interesting news (to those who know my cat Bucket), it seems as though he has found a new home with our neighbors and friends downstairs. They have a doggy door, and I now know he spends more time there than he does here. Last night I was downstairs hanging out with Coach, and in strolls Bucket, like he owns the place. He even has a spot on the couch that he claims as his own, and him and their cat Fern are the best of friends. And here we were, thinking Bucket was running with the homies down the street. At least now we know where to find him. Our baby, all grown up.
Today, Lily is coming to town for an Ikea trip. I have a hefty to-do list, but today, the one I want to focus on is getting my kitchen decorated. It's painted, now it needs love. And it's not just about the aesthetics of it, it's also about contributing to the household. An extra bonus would be to work on the dining room. Looking forward to no real plans today.
Challenge 46: Decorate the kitchen
46 down. 319 to go.
It's a sunny Saturday morning here in Oakland. A little unexpected, since weather.com said it was going to be rainy. Either way, I'm happy about it. It's 11 am and I've already scratched 4 things off my to-do list and I'm feeling pretty good about that. This morning, Coach and I walked up to the pet store and he got to pick out a new toy and get some new treats. I've got a very happy puppy right now.
Yesterday my challenge was to get what I needed at work. It didn't happen. Partly because of some circumstances with the family (them needing to spend some QT together so me not staying after to chat) and I think partly because I was tired. The lesson for me here is to make sure I'm valuing and standing up for myself. These things aren't that big of a deal, but they still need to be handled. We agreed to chat about it today.
In a bit of interesting news (to those who know my cat Bucket), it seems as though he has found a new home with our neighbors and friends downstairs. They have a doggy door, and I now know he spends more time there than he does here. Last night I was downstairs hanging out with Coach, and in strolls Bucket, like he owns the place. He even has a spot on the couch that he claims as his own, and him and their cat Fern are the best of friends. And here we were, thinking Bucket was running with the homies down the street. At least now we know where to find him. Our baby, all grown up.
Today, Lily is coming to town for an Ikea trip. I have a hefty to-do list, but today, the one I want to focus on is getting my kitchen decorated. It's painted, now it needs love. And it's not just about the aesthetics of it, it's also about contributing to the household. An extra bonus would be to work on the dining room. Looking forward to no real plans today.
Challenge 46: Decorate the kitchen
46 down. 319 to go.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Challenge 45: Get what I need at work
February 26, 2010
It hasn't started raining yet, and I'm feeling like I should be out with the dog (before it starts) instead of in here writing. But it's so cozy inside my blankets, and so here I am. Must take dog out when I'm done.
Yesterday's no complaining challenge was cool and interesting to me. It was almost as if the no complaining about my knees made them actually hurt less. Like, I didn't even really think about it much yesterday, outside of a few trips up and down my stairs. That just goes to show that when I don't put a bunch of attention on something (bad/that hurts/etc) that it becomes less bad or hurtful. I loved learning that. And it just occurred to me last night as I was cooking dinner. No complaining. Implement that more.
Also got some not so great news about my car that was in the shop. Basically, it's an old car that hadn't been driven enough, and the front suspension (and a bunch of other things I forget) is completely shot and would cost much more to replace than the car is even worth. The mechanic said that the car would be drivable for a bit longer if we put new tires on it, and suggested we do that and drive it until it just won't drive anymore. Now, usually, that news would probably make me feel doomed. Like "what the heck am I going to do now!?" but for some reason yesterday, it all seemed manageable. It felt like me and Vaughn were a team and we were going to figure out what to do, and it would be ok. So we went to get new tires. Good enough for now.
Vaughn is up in Tahoe for the weekend, so it's just me and the dog since last night. I don't have to work til 1, so I'm going to take him out, get the house organized, and go to the post office. At work, there are some things I've been needing and haven't really gotten them for myself. So that's my challenge today.
Challenge 45: Get what I need at work
45 down. 320 to go.
It hasn't started raining yet, and I'm feeling like I should be out with the dog (before it starts) instead of in here writing. But it's so cozy inside my blankets, and so here I am. Must take dog out when I'm done.
Yesterday's no complaining challenge was cool and interesting to me. It was almost as if the no complaining about my knees made them actually hurt less. Like, I didn't even really think about it much yesterday, outside of a few trips up and down my stairs. That just goes to show that when I don't put a bunch of attention on something (bad/that hurts/etc) that it becomes less bad or hurtful. I loved learning that. And it just occurred to me last night as I was cooking dinner. No complaining. Implement that more.
Also got some not so great news about my car that was in the shop. Basically, it's an old car that hadn't been driven enough, and the front suspension (and a bunch of other things I forget) is completely shot and would cost much more to replace than the car is even worth. The mechanic said that the car would be drivable for a bit longer if we put new tires on it, and suggested we do that and drive it until it just won't drive anymore. Now, usually, that news would probably make me feel doomed. Like "what the heck am I going to do now!?" but for some reason yesterday, it all seemed manageable. It felt like me and Vaughn were a team and we were going to figure out what to do, and it would be ok. So we went to get new tires. Good enough for now.
Vaughn is up in Tahoe for the weekend, so it's just me and the dog since last night. I don't have to work til 1, so I'm going to take him out, get the house organized, and go to the post office. At work, there are some things I've been needing and haven't really gotten them for myself. So that's my challenge today.
Challenge 45: Get what I need at work
45 down. 320 to go.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Challenge 44: No complaining
February 25, 2010
Wow...is it already the end of the month? February just flew by. And I'm a bit scared about my monthly goal (lose 5 lbs...eek!). I guess I have three days.
After a lot of reflecting and thinking about the "doing" vs. "being" yesterday, I feel like things just felt easier. I felt better, not only about my day, but about the future. I found myself worrying less, and trusting more that things will work out the way I want them to. That I can have it all. All that I want. And that all I need to do is keep working hard and taking steps in the right direction. I can't tell you how much more of a relief that was than walking around as a worry-bot. I began noticing the trees more, I looked inside the windows of a house for sale, I took a different route on my walk with the dog. I felt happier.
I also had more time yesterday. I didn't have to go to "work" (nannying), although I did a lot of work yesterday. I had time to get on my pod (certification) call, do some homework, answer tons of emails, work on my bio/one sheet, help Vaughn make his new show outfits (Dewey...I'm not telling what they are until they're done), cook dinner, take the dog out, do some cleaning, and read. Phew. What a fun day. So lesson here is that time plus not worrying equals a lighter, more fun day. AND, I was able to get some exercise (although I had to cut it short due to a freak accident with my boots that had me take a pretty bad fall and cut up my knees).
Today is Thursday, which means I have a full day of coaching. Hooray! I also have some time in between my first chunk of calls and my last chunk, so I'm excited to see what that time will equal today. I'm also going to focus on not complaining about my knees. They're pretty bruised up and it's painful to walk, but I'm finding myself making a bigger deal out of it than it is. So no more complaining today.
Challenge 44: No complaining
44 down. 321 to go.
Wow...is it already the end of the month? February just flew by. And I'm a bit scared about my monthly goal (lose 5 lbs...eek!). I guess I have three days.
After a lot of reflecting and thinking about the "doing" vs. "being" yesterday, I feel like things just felt easier. I felt better, not only about my day, but about the future. I found myself worrying less, and trusting more that things will work out the way I want them to. That I can have it all. All that I want. And that all I need to do is keep working hard and taking steps in the right direction. I can't tell you how much more of a relief that was than walking around as a worry-bot. I began noticing the trees more, I looked inside the windows of a house for sale, I took a different route on my walk with the dog. I felt happier.
I also had more time yesterday. I didn't have to go to "work" (nannying), although I did a lot of work yesterday. I had time to get on my pod (certification) call, do some homework, answer tons of emails, work on my bio/one sheet, help Vaughn make his new show outfits (Dewey...I'm not telling what they are until they're done), cook dinner, take the dog out, do some cleaning, and read. Phew. What a fun day. So lesson here is that time plus not worrying equals a lighter, more fun day. AND, I was able to get some exercise (although I had to cut it short due to a freak accident with my boots that had me take a pretty bad fall and cut up my knees).
Today is Thursday, which means I have a full day of coaching. Hooray! I also have some time in between my first chunk of calls and my last chunk, so I'm excited to see what that time will equal today. I'm also going to focus on not complaining about my knees. They're pretty bruised up and it's painful to walk, but I'm finding myself making a bigger deal out of it than it is. So no more complaining today.
Challenge 44: No complaining
44 down. 321 to go.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Challenge 43: Exercise.
February 24, 2010
I feel like my posts lately have been a bit stale, boring. Just reporting of facts throughout the day. I think sometimes I just try to get through the post because I agreed to do it everyday, but I don't always have the time to really sit here and reflect. That's sort of been a theme for me lately...time management work. I've felt so busy that the days keep getting away from me. On the positive side, I feel so much better about life when I'm busy. I guess it's finding that balance.
A couple cool things that have happened since last night. 1) I was chatting with a good friend of mine who I think is really talented and creative and musical and interesting. We've been friends for almost 10 years now and he always shows me something new. He's a lover of music and is constantly sending me songs that are just so beautiful or just so spazzy. But the common theme is that I always love whatever he sends. It's like he can tap into my mood or something...always has the right song at the right time. Last night, as I was trying to rush around and get everything done, he popped up on my chat inbox. My first thought was that I should make it short because I had so much to do, but my second, more powerful thought was that why would I want to cut something short that feels good. I was enjoying myself, getting something rich, having a good experience that shifted my mood/day/approach to the evening, even if ever so slightly. It was more fuel for a myriad of new thoughts, taking me in new directions. And really, was that half hour or hour REALLY going to make the world of difference in my tasks? So I stayed. Listened to great music. Had great conversation.
2) Part of my homework for my certification call today was to read a bunch of material we touched on during our courses. Basically, the reading was about making sure to hold the client's "Big A" (big agenda...meaning that thing that is bigger than the to-do list tasks, bigger than the thing that is currently on their plate. It's who they are, who they are becoming, who they want to be, big changes, etc) while at the same time still handling their "Little a" (the everyday stuff...job transitions, fixing their relationship, etc). I've been thinking a lot about this lately. As a coach and as a client. How do I approach life and my client's life from a place of honoring their "Big A" while at the same time helping them get results in their "Little a" stuff. And then it hit me. It's not necessarily about "Doing" anything, but rather a way of being. A way of approaching what comes up in the everyday, with the bigger goals in mind. The thought takes the pressure off. It's not about doing. It's about being.
Anyway, I have my pod call in about an hour and I'm sure we'll talk a lot more about this stuff. I'm glad I had some breathing room this morning to really dive into my reading and take some time to reflect. Time is good. Having it, I mean.
My challenge today has nothing to do with what I just said. Since my car is in the shop, I can't make it to the boxing gym today. But I still want to get my butt out of the house and get some exercise. Even though it's raining. Ugh.
Challenge 43: Exercise.
43 down. 322 to go
P.s. Got the messes cleaned yesterday, and finished my homework this morning.
I feel like my posts lately have been a bit stale, boring. Just reporting of facts throughout the day. I think sometimes I just try to get through the post because I agreed to do it everyday, but I don't always have the time to really sit here and reflect. That's sort of been a theme for me lately...time management work. I've felt so busy that the days keep getting away from me. On the positive side, I feel so much better about life when I'm busy. I guess it's finding that balance.
A couple cool things that have happened since last night. 1) I was chatting with a good friend of mine who I think is really talented and creative and musical and interesting. We've been friends for almost 10 years now and he always shows me something new. He's a lover of music and is constantly sending me songs that are just so beautiful or just so spazzy. But the common theme is that I always love whatever he sends. It's like he can tap into my mood or something...always has the right song at the right time. Last night, as I was trying to rush around and get everything done, he popped up on my chat inbox. My first thought was that I should make it short because I had so much to do, but my second, more powerful thought was that why would I want to cut something short that feels good. I was enjoying myself, getting something rich, having a good experience that shifted my mood/day/approach to the evening, even if ever so slightly. It was more fuel for a myriad of new thoughts, taking me in new directions. And really, was that half hour or hour REALLY going to make the world of difference in my tasks? So I stayed. Listened to great music. Had great conversation.
2) Part of my homework for my certification call today was to read a bunch of material we touched on during our courses. Basically, the reading was about making sure to hold the client's "Big A" (big agenda...meaning that thing that is bigger than the to-do list tasks, bigger than the thing that is currently on their plate. It's who they are, who they are becoming, who they want to be, big changes, etc) while at the same time still handling their "Little a" (the everyday stuff...job transitions, fixing their relationship, etc). I've been thinking a lot about this lately. As a coach and as a client. How do I approach life and my client's life from a place of honoring their "Big A" while at the same time helping them get results in their "Little a" stuff. And then it hit me. It's not necessarily about "Doing" anything, but rather a way of being. A way of approaching what comes up in the everyday, with the bigger goals in mind. The thought takes the pressure off. It's not about doing. It's about being.
Anyway, I have my pod call in about an hour and I'm sure we'll talk a lot more about this stuff. I'm glad I had some breathing room this morning to really dive into my reading and take some time to reflect. Time is good. Having it, I mean.
My challenge today has nothing to do with what I just said. Since my car is in the shop, I can't make it to the boxing gym today. But I still want to get my butt out of the house and get some exercise. Even though it's raining. Ugh.
Challenge 43: Exercise.
43 down. 322 to go
P.s. Got the messes cleaned yesterday, and finished my homework this morning.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Challenge 42: Clean messes/do homeowork
February 23, 2010
Well, this day completely took on a life of its own. It's been kind of a weird day from the beginning. Not for any real reason, just felt a little off. Might be because my office is a complete disaster (AGAIN!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!) and the kitchen is still out of sorts. I never made the time on Monday to get it sorted.
So the day started off on a slightly later side. 9am. I had a 10am coaching call and then a 11 am call (for an hour but turned into 75 minutes). While I was on that call, I got two important calls I couldn't pick up. But when I did, at 12:15, one of the messages was from my boss wanting to know if I could pick up Miles from school an hour early. Which made my whole day two hours earlier, since originally, I wasn't going to pick him up from school at all. Long story short, the two hours I had planned to use for getting my day together got completely cut out and I had to leave for work right after my call. While I was at work I get a text from Vaughn (who is in the city) saying that there was a break-in scare on our block, and he wasn't sure if anything happened to our house. On the way home I imagined myself walking into a house of missing things, and then I quickly shifted my perspective to be one that everything in our house is still intact. That it would be very difficult to break into this house, and even if someone did, they would find a huge, 100 pound, barking great dane. So that eased my mind. I'm happy to say, everything was still intact. EXCEPT, the puppy went crazy, tearing the house apart. He chewed threw my down comforter and there are feathers everywhere! Dragged granola all over the house, ate various things. He's lucky that it could have been much worse today.
So here I am, with a very messy house, and lots to get done. I have to do all my homework and reading for my pod call tomorrow (certification call) and get the house sorted. I have a glass of wine in my hand, and figure that some music is in order to get the cleaning part done. Here I go...
Challenge 42: Clean messes/do homeowork
42 down. 323 to go.
Well, this day completely took on a life of its own. It's been kind of a weird day from the beginning. Not for any real reason, just felt a little off. Might be because my office is a complete disaster (AGAIN!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!) and the kitchen is still out of sorts. I never made the time on Monday to get it sorted.
So the day started off on a slightly later side. 9am. I had a 10am coaching call and then a 11 am call (for an hour but turned into 75 minutes). While I was on that call, I got two important calls I couldn't pick up. But when I did, at 12:15, one of the messages was from my boss wanting to know if I could pick up Miles from school an hour early. Which made my whole day two hours earlier, since originally, I wasn't going to pick him up from school at all. Long story short, the two hours I had planned to use for getting my day together got completely cut out and I had to leave for work right after my call. While I was at work I get a text from Vaughn (who is in the city) saying that there was a break-in scare on our block, and he wasn't sure if anything happened to our house. On the way home I imagined myself walking into a house of missing things, and then I quickly shifted my perspective to be one that everything in our house is still intact. That it would be very difficult to break into this house, and even if someone did, they would find a huge, 100 pound, barking great dane. So that eased my mind. I'm happy to say, everything was still intact. EXCEPT, the puppy went crazy, tearing the house apart. He chewed threw my down comforter and there are feathers everywhere! Dragged granola all over the house, ate various things. He's lucky that it could have been much worse today.
So here I am, with a very messy house, and lots to get done. I have to do all my homework and reading for my pod call tomorrow (certification call) and get the house sorted. I have a glass of wine in my hand, and figure that some music is in order to get the cleaning part done. Here I go...
Challenge 42: Clean messes/do homeowork
42 down. 323 to go.
Monday, February 22, 2010
Challenge 41: Get the kitchen set up
February 22, 2010
Where's my rubber band when I need it! I just found myself worrying and no rubber band to snap me out of it. Other than that, it is an absolutely gorgeous and sunny day here in Oakland. I woke up around 8:30, got up and walked the dog. A little less perky than yesterday, but still glad I got out this morning.
I'm happy to say that the kitchen is PAINTED!! And it's definitely purple. I'm pretty sure I love it, but I think it'll take a few more days to be sure. I had to finish up the last coat and finishing touches last night because Vaughn had a show he had to go to. I'm not the best at the ceiling edge work, so I'm not super excited about my portion of the room, but I think I'll be able to forget about it. I feel good that we got it done.
So today my day isn't too busy. I have a boxing appointment in a half hour, work around 1:30-6:30, then band practice til 10. I guess now that I say it like that it sounds busy! But it doesn't feel busy, so I guess that all that matters. Been thinking a lot more about school. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
Anyway, I guess that's all to report right now. Right now, the kitchen is still a mess, so that's my challenge for the day. Get the kitchen set up.
Challenge 41: Get the kitchen set up
41 down. 324 to go.
Where's my rubber band when I need it! I just found myself worrying and no rubber band to snap me out of it. Other than that, it is an absolutely gorgeous and sunny day here in Oakland. I woke up around 8:30, got up and walked the dog. A little less perky than yesterday, but still glad I got out this morning.
I'm happy to say that the kitchen is PAINTED!! And it's definitely purple. I'm pretty sure I love it, but I think it'll take a few more days to be sure. I had to finish up the last coat and finishing touches last night because Vaughn had a show he had to go to. I'm not the best at the ceiling edge work, so I'm not super excited about my portion of the room, but I think I'll be able to forget about it. I feel good that we got it done.
So today my day isn't too busy. I have a boxing appointment in a half hour, work around 1:30-6:30, then band practice til 10. I guess now that I say it like that it sounds busy! But it doesn't feel busy, so I guess that all that matters. Been thinking a lot more about school. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm......
Anyway, I guess that's all to report right now. Right now, the kitchen is still a mess, so that's my challenge for the day. Get the kitchen set up.
Challenge 41: Get the kitchen set up
41 down. 324 to go.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Challenge 40: Paint the kitchen
February 21, 2010
Today started much like yesterday. Kind of groggy, wanting to stay in bed, but feeling like I should get up and take the dog out. Not only did I think he deserved it, but I thought it would give me a good start to my day. So I woke up around 8, decided I could sleep in til 9, latest. So I did. Popped out of bed, put on my rain boots, and went out for a walk with Coach. Same thing happened to me today that happened yesterday. I just felt so good on that walk. So good getting the juices flowing, hanging with my dog.
I came home and showered to get ready for breakfast with my parents. Today is kind of rainy, but I'm neutral about it.
Yesterday my challenges were to mop the floor and clean my office and I did those and so much more. I felt like that walk in the morning really energized me for the rest of the day. I ran a ton of errands (including getting paint and supplies for the kitchen!!), did some work for my boss, had a three hour lunch with two coaching friends of mine, mopped the floors, cleaned my office, and fell asleep watching a movie. Writing it down doesn't feel as busy as it actually was. Overall, good, busy day.
Today also has a lot on its plate. I'd really like to get the kitchen painted. So that's it.
Challenge 40: Paint the kitchen
40 down. 325 to go.
Today started much like yesterday. Kind of groggy, wanting to stay in bed, but feeling like I should get up and take the dog out. Not only did I think he deserved it, but I thought it would give me a good start to my day. So I woke up around 8, decided I could sleep in til 9, latest. So I did. Popped out of bed, put on my rain boots, and went out for a walk with Coach. Same thing happened to me today that happened yesterday. I just felt so good on that walk. So good getting the juices flowing, hanging with my dog.
I came home and showered to get ready for breakfast with my parents. Today is kind of rainy, but I'm neutral about it.
Yesterday my challenges were to mop the floor and clean my office and I did those and so much more. I felt like that walk in the morning really energized me for the rest of the day. I ran a ton of errands (including getting paint and supplies for the kitchen!!), did some work for my boss, had a three hour lunch with two coaching friends of mine, mopped the floors, cleaned my office, and fell asleep watching a movie. Writing it down doesn't feel as busy as it actually was. Overall, good, busy day.
Today also has a lot on its plate. I'd really like to get the kitchen painted. So that's it.
Challenge 40: Paint the kitchen
40 down. 325 to go.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Challenge 39: Mop floors, do laundry, clean office
February 20, 2010
I just got back from a walk with Coach and it's the first morning one we've done in awhile. I've had such a busy couple of weeks that my routine with walking him got thrown off. But today, I remembered how nice it is to walk with him first thing in the morning. The air feels nice, the exercise is nice, the bonding with him is nice. It just felt good. And I now feel more motivated to get my day started and get stuff done. Funny how that happens. At noon, I have a lunch planned with some coaches from my school. Pizza at Lanesplitter, down the road. I'm looking forward to it. It's a result of me starting a meetup group for coaches on meetup.com. First event from that group. Then after that I have some work to do for my boss, but the rest of the day is open. I'm going to try to get the house organized, clean my office, and mop the floors.
Lately I've been feeling a little worried about job security. I love coaching and I love the process of certification, but I worry about the future. How will I make enough money? How will I get insured? Have savings? Pay for kids' college? etc. I tend to think way into the future and then get kind of stressed, so I'm trying to find a balance to putting things into place now that will set me up for the future, but at the same time, not jumping too far ahead and trying to trust what I'm doing. It's hard though. I think about going back to get my MA almost everyday.
Yesterday was a good day but also kind of hard. I think I've just been feeling off this week and kind of sensitive, so the smallest things upset me. For example, yesterday we had to take the car into the shop. It was hard for us to find a time that would work for both of us but we finally found one and made an appointment with a mechanic who we got a referral from. So we showed up for our appointment, and they had no idea who we were or why we were there. The guy who booked my appointment was out of the building and the two guys that were there did not speak one word of english. Normally, this would just be really annoying and really frustrating, but yesterday, to me, it just seemed like the last frustrating straw for my week. We got the guy who booked my appointment on the phone, and he still seemed pretty clueless as to what was going on and told me to leave the car there. I felt like if they were this weird and shady and disorganized to just handle booking appointments, then I didn't really trust them to be good with my car. So we left. And I cried.
But luckily the day turned around. Me and Vaughn and my parents walked around my neighborhood, had an amazing lunch, window shopped at some great stores and bought a couple creative things at the creative reuse store. We came home, ordered sushi and watched the Olympics.
So today, I wanted to get some exercise but I already did that with walking the dog.
Challenge 39: Mop floors, do laundry, clean office
39 down. 326 to go.
I just got back from a walk with Coach and it's the first morning one we've done in awhile. I've had such a busy couple of weeks that my routine with walking him got thrown off. But today, I remembered how nice it is to walk with him first thing in the morning. The air feels nice, the exercise is nice, the bonding with him is nice. It just felt good. And I now feel more motivated to get my day started and get stuff done. Funny how that happens. At noon, I have a lunch planned with some coaches from my school. Pizza at Lanesplitter, down the road. I'm looking forward to it. It's a result of me starting a meetup group for coaches on meetup.com. First event from that group. Then after that I have some work to do for my boss, but the rest of the day is open. I'm going to try to get the house organized, clean my office, and mop the floors.
Lately I've been feeling a little worried about job security. I love coaching and I love the process of certification, but I worry about the future. How will I make enough money? How will I get insured? Have savings? Pay for kids' college? etc. I tend to think way into the future and then get kind of stressed, so I'm trying to find a balance to putting things into place now that will set me up for the future, but at the same time, not jumping too far ahead and trying to trust what I'm doing. It's hard though. I think about going back to get my MA almost everyday.
Yesterday was a good day but also kind of hard. I think I've just been feeling off this week and kind of sensitive, so the smallest things upset me. For example, yesterday we had to take the car into the shop. It was hard for us to find a time that would work for both of us but we finally found one and made an appointment with a mechanic who we got a referral from. So we showed up for our appointment, and they had no idea who we were or why we were there. The guy who booked my appointment was out of the building and the two guys that were there did not speak one word of english. Normally, this would just be really annoying and really frustrating, but yesterday, to me, it just seemed like the last frustrating straw for my week. We got the guy who booked my appointment on the phone, and he still seemed pretty clueless as to what was going on and told me to leave the car there. I felt like if they were this weird and shady and disorganized to just handle booking appointments, then I didn't really trust them to be good with my car. So we left. And I cried.
But luckily the day turned around. Me and Vaughn and my parents walked around my neighborhood, had an amazing lunch, window shopped at some great stores and bought a couple creative things at the creative reuse store. We came home, ordered sushi and watched the Olympics.
So today, I wanted to get some exercise but I already did that with walking the dog.
Challenge 39: Mop floors, do laundry, clean office
39 down. 326 to go.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Challenge 38: Work on outline for presentation and Gen Y article
February 19, 2010
I woke up this morning kind of disoriented. I had one of those deep sleeps where I didn't know where I was when I woke up. But it's nothing that my cup of tea can't fix (which I just now finished). I'm still not feeling quite back to normal from this week, so I'm trying to just take it kind of easy and get done what I need to get done before the weekend.
Yesterday, my challenge was to finish two projects at work. It was a squeeze, but I did it. Thursdays are my big coaching days. I have five back to back clients and then a few hours break and then one more client in the evening. I was able to go over to my bosses house and get three projects done. It was a tight fit but I did it. In between my first chunk of calls and my last call Vaughn and I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics to shop for some show outfit materials for Diego's. It was a lot of fun! I can't wait to work on these outfits. After that we met my mom and Gary at Burma Superstar (one of my favorites!) for an early dinner. We got spoiled, ordering whatever we wanted PLUS dessert. YUM! After dinner we came home, I did my coaching call while they chatted and then we all watched some of the Olympics together. Busy and fun day.
So I'm not that happy that I've only made it to the boxing gym once this week. I've just felt a little off all week, and then my week felt so busy that I just didn't make it. Today, I have the opportunity to go, but I've decided not to. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. Part of me feels like I should really push myself to go, and part of me feels like I can give myself one week of downtime to get recharged again for next week. Am I letting myself off the hook by doing that? Well either way, since I'm not going this morning, I've decided that I want to get some things done that have been needing to get done. I want to work on a coaching presentation outline and an article I'm trying to write about Gen Y. So there it is.
The rest of day is filled with the vet and the mechanic and hanging with my parents.
Challenge 38: Work on outline for presentation and Gen Y article
38 down. 327 to go.
I woke up this morning kind of disoriented. I had one of those deep sleeps where I didn't know where I was when I woke up. But it's nothing that my cup of tea can't fix (which I just now finished). I'm still not feeling quite back to normal from this week, so I'm trying to just take it kind of easy and get done what I need to get done before the weekend.
Yesterday, my challenge was to finish two projects at work. It was a squeeze, but I did it. Thursdays are my big coaching days. I have five back to back clients and then a few hours break and then one more client in the evening. I was able to go over to my bosses house and get three projects done. It was a tight fit but I did it. In between my first chunk of calls and my last call Vaughn and I went to Jo-Ann Fabrics to shop for some show outfit materials for Diego's. It was a lot of fun! I can't wait to work on these outfits. After that we met my mom and Gary at Burma Superstar (one of my favorites!) for an early dinner. We got spoiled, ordering whatever we wanted PLUS dessert. YUM! After dinner we came home, I did my coaching call while they chatted and then we all watched some of the Olympics together. Busy and fun day.
So I'm not that happy that I've only made it to the boxing gym once this week. I've just felt a little off all week, and then my week felt so busy that I just didn't make it. Today, I have the opportunity to go, but I've decided not to. I'm not sure how I feel about that yet. Part of me feels like I should really push myself to go, and part of me feels like I can give myself one week of downtime to get recharged again for next week. Am I letting myself off the hook by doing that? Well either way, since I'm not going this morning, I've decided that I want to get some things done that have been needing to get done. I want to work on a coaching presentation outline and an article I'm trying to write about Gen Y. So there it is.
The rest of day is filled with the vet and the mechanic and hanging with my parents.
Challenge 38: Work on outline for presentation and Gen Y article
38 down. 327 to go.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Challenge 37: Finish two projects
February 18, 2010
So today is a new day and yesterday already kind of feels like a lifetime ago. I had lots of ups and downs yesterday, and also had a lot of fun. It was a very full day, which I think was good. The only thing missing was lots of lying on the couch. :-)
I had a bunch of errands to run to prepare for the dinner party I was having last night, so I managed to do those in between getting some work done and doing some coaching. I also helped Vaughn screen print some tour posters, which was super fun. They look amazing!
I also had a certification call. This week was a "triad call" which basically means that three of us from the program get on a call with a certification supervisor. One person is the coach, one is the client, and one is an observer. It worked out, given the kind of day I was having, that I was the client and got some coaching around the sadness and grief I was feeling about my dad. I got to get a good cry in there, and that felt really good.
After my call, I helped Vaughn, then took the dog to the dog park, then cleaned the house and started cooking. I keep realizing more and more that I love having people over for dinner. The excitement of preparing the meal, setting the table, setting the mood, using my apron, and getting to use all my fun dinnerware, is so much fun for me. I decided to make black bean tacos with cabbage/cilantro/green onion/lime slaw, and feta cheese with a side of tomato and jalapeno corn salad. I also included an option for taco meat and cheddar cheese for those who wanted a more traditional taco (i.e. the guys). Megan brought a salad and Celeste brought some wine. It was really fun and great catching up with everyone. It reminded me that I want to do that more often. Maybe that'll be a challenge in the near future!
Overall, I think I was able to find great balance with my day. I allowed myself the sad, but also very much welcomed the happy. I watched a little tv and did my nails. Self care.
Today is full of coaching. I have already had three calls. And have two more coming up. Am trying out a new service where I can record my calls, and then offer those recordings to my clients if they want them. So far so good! So my parents are coming to town today which I'm really looking forward to. I think they'll be here throughout the weekend.
I'm still feeling like I need to give myself some downtime. Allow myself to have fun and not feel too restricted. But there is also some stuff I have to do, like go over to my boss' house and finish up a couple projects. So that's my challenge.
Challenge 37: Finish two projects
37 down. 328 to go.
So today is a new day and yesterday already kind of feels like a lifetime ago. I had lots of ups and downs yesterday, and also had a lot of fun. It was a very full day, which I think was good. The only thing missing was lots of lying on the couch. :-)
I had a bunch of errands to run to prepare for the dinner party I was having last night, so I managed to do those in between getting some work done and doing some coaching. I also helped Vaughn screen print some tour posters, which was super fun. They look amazing!
I also had a certification call. This week was a "triad call" which basically means that three of us from the program get on a call with a certification supervisor. One person is the coach, one is the client, and one is an observer. It worked out, given the kind of day I was having, that I was the client and got some coaching around the sadness and grief I was feeling about my dad. I got to get a good cry in there, and that felt really good.
After my call, I helped Vaughn, then took the dog to the dog park, then cleaned the house and started cooking. I keep realizing more and more that I love having people over for dinner. The excitement of preparing the meal, setting the table, setting the mood, using my apron, and getting to use all my fun dinnerware, is so much fun for me. I decided to make black bean tacos with cabbage/cilantro/green onion/lime slaw, and feta cheese with a side of tomato and jalapeno corn salad. I also included an option for taco meat and cheddar cheese for those who wanted a more traditional taco (i.e. the guys). Megan brought a salad and Celeste brought some wine. It was really fun and great catching up with everyone. It reminded me that I want to do that more often. Maybe that'll be a challenge in the near future!
Overall, I think I was able to find great balance with my day. I allowed myself the sad, but also very much welcomed the happy. I watched a little tv and did my nails. Self care.
Today is full of coaching. I have already had three calls. And have two more coming up. Am trying out a new service where I can record my calls, and then offer those recordings to my clients if they want them. So far so good! So my parents are coming to town today which I'm really looking forward to. I think they'll be here throughout the weekend.
I'm still feeling like I need to give myself some downtime. Allow myself to have fun and not feel too restricted. But there is also some stuff I have to do, like go over to my boss' house and finish up a couple projects. So that's my challenge.
Challenge 37: Finish two projects
37 down. 328 to go.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Challenge 36: Find a balance
February 17, 2010
I woke up today not feeling very good. Head achy, tired with a restless nights sleep, achy. It's not surprising to me, however, because I haven't been looking forward to today at all. It occurred to me on the 14th that three days from then (i.e. today) would be the 15th anniversary of my dad's passing. He's now officially been gone for half of my life. It's so weird. I don't think about it that much, but lately it's been on my mind a lot. I've been having dreams about it. Remembering it all. So today I feel weird.
I'm trying not to let it debilitate me. Although I already cancelled my gym appointment today. Just not feeling up for it. I slept in instead. But I'm a little afraid I'll just sit here and be mopey, which I definitely don't want. I want to find the balance today between taking care of myself and giving myself what I need, but also pushing myself to get out and see this beautifully sunny day. AND, I have some people coming over for dinner tonight, which I am really looking forward to. So today the challenge is to be ok with giving myself some down time. Allowing myself to be in this space and see what things can unfold for the day.
So yesterday I had a challenge to get my to-do list done. And I did it and more! It felt really good. After I got home from being with Lily, I just buckled down and spent three hours packed with to-do listing. There was only one thing I didn't get to, but that was only because I didn't remember it was on the list until I was going to bed. I'll do that today. I also did three extra hours of work I didn't know I had to do, and disassembled an entire full sized, lofted Ikea bed all by myself. This might not sound exiting to any of you, but I seriously didn't think I'd be able to do it. I looked at that giant thing and wondered how the heck I was ever going to figure it out. Then I just started unscrewing screws and had to do some strategic planning and just kept telling myself I could do it. There were a few times when I almost decided to leave it and have Vaughn come over and help, but decided that I could do it myself and I did! It felt like an accomplishment. All around full day yesterday.
Today is already starting to feel better. Maybe it's the tea and breakfast in my belly.
Challenge 36: Find a balance
36 down. 329 to go.
I woke up today not feeling very good. Head achy, tired with a restless nights sleep, achy. It's not surprising to me, however, because I haven't been looking forward to today at all. It occurred to me on the 14th that three days from then (i.e. today) would be the 15th anniversary of my dad's passing. He's now officially been gone for half of my life. It's so weird. I don't think about it that much, but lately it's been on my mind a lot. I've been having dreams about it. Remembering it all. So today I feel weird.
I'm trying not to let it debilitate me. Although I already cancelled my gym appointment today. Just not feeling up for it. I slept in instead. But I'm a little afraid I'll just sit here and be mopey, which I definitely don't want. I want to find the balance today between taking care of myself and giving myself what I need, but also pushing myself to get out and see this beautifully sunny day. AND, I have some people coming over for dinner tonight, which I am really looking forward to. So today the challenge is to be ok with giving myself some down time. Allowing myself to be in this space and see what things can unfold for the day.
So yesterday I had a challenge to get my to-do list done. And I did it and more! It felt really good. After I got home from being with Lily, I just buckled down and spent three hours packed with to-do listing. There was only one thing I didn't get to, but that was only because I didn't remember it was on the list until I was going to bed. I'll do that today. I also did three extra hours of work I didn't know I had to do, and disassembled an entire full sized, lofted Ikea bed all by myself. This might not sound exiting to any of you, but I seriously didn't think I'd be able to do it. I looked at that giant thing and wondered how the heck I was ever going to figure it out. Then I just started unscrewing screws and had to do some strategic planning and just kept telling myself I could do it. There were a few times when I almost decided to leave it and have Vaughn come over and help, but decided that I could do it myself and I did! It felt like an accomplishment. All around full day yesterday.
Today is already starting to feel better. Maybe it's the tea and breakfast in my belly.
Challenge 36: Find a balance
36 down. 329 to go.
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Challenge 35: Finish to-do list
February 16, 2010
I'm feeling a bit rushed writing this. Although I don't have to go to work today, I feel like the day is pretty packed and I have a lot of things I need to do. I woke up feeling that way. I've been mentally snapping that rubber band on my wrist all day. So I just had a call with my coach. It was centered around reaching out to more people surrounding coaching.
Ok...so actually I began writing this post earlier this morning but the day took off and I didn't have time to finish. So here I am, a good ways through my day, trying to finish this post. Lily and Dre came out. We went to the "awesome store," AKA Target and bought a bunch of stuff for their new place. Due to some circumstances, they aren't able to actually move in for another few weeks, but we're taking as much advantage of this last week that Lily isn't working. So from about 11-3:30 we checked out Target and Ikea and went to Lily's new local deli. YUM!!
I feel like I still have a lot to do today. A bunch of tasks for my coach, work stuff, coaching stuff, car stuff, vet stuff, animal stuff. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by it and ready for a nap!
So yesterday my task was to call the vet and call a mechanic. I did both of those things. Made an appointment for Coach's eyeball to get checked out (we think nothing too major...and that antibiotics won't fix) and called a car place that gave me a reference for a different mechanic better suited for our problem. We're having trouble figuring out how to time taking the car in with both of our busy weeks. Mechanic must be called again by Thursday. Things to do, things to do. Puppy to be walked.
So since I'm feeling overwhelmed, I think my challenge today needs to be to complete my to-do list. I already took care of one email i needed to send, so that's a start. I also forgot to set a weekly challenge yesterday.
Challenge 35: finish to-do list
Weekly: work on an outline for a coaching presentation
I'm feeling a bit rushed writing this. Although I don't have to go to work today, I feel like the day is pretty packed and I have a lot of things I need to do. I woke up feeling that way. I've been mentally snapping that rubber band on my wrist all day. So I just had a call with my coach. It was centered around reaching out to more people surrounding coaching.
Ok...so actually I began writing this post earlier this morning but the day took off and I didn't have time to finish. So here I am, a good ways through my day, trying to finish this post. Lily and Dre came out. We went to the "awesome store," AKA Target and bought a bunch of stuff for their new place. Due to some circumstances, they aren't able to actually move in for another few weeks, but we're taking as much advantage of this last week that Lily isn't working. So from about 11-3:30 we checked out Target and Ikea and went to Lily's new local deli. YUM!!
I feel like I still have a lot to do today. A bunch of tasks for my coach, work stuff, coaching stuff, car stuff, vet stuff, animal stuff. I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed by it and ready for a nap!
So yesterday my task was to call the vet and call a mechanic. I did both of those things. Made an appointment for Coach's eyeball to get checked out (we think nothing too major...and that antibiotics won't fix) and called a car place that gave me a reference for a different mechanic better suited for our problem. We're having trouble figuring out how to time taking the car in with both of our busy weeks. Mechanic must be called again by Thursday. Things to do, things to do. Puppy to be walked.
So since I'm feeling overwhelmed, I think my challenge today needs to be to complete my to-do list. I already took care of one email i needed to send, so that's a start. I also forgot to set a weekly challenge yesterday.
Challenge 35: finish to-do list
Weekly: work on an outline for a coaching presentation
Monday, February 15, 2010
Challenge 34: Call vet and car person
February 15, 2010
It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in sunny Oakland. I woke up around 8:30, wiggled around in bed for a little bit, and was out the door on a walk with the pup by 9. I realized it had been awhile since I'd taken Coach out first thing in the morning. It was a fun, bonding experience for us. :-) He's been so great lately, not pulling, walking beside us. Such a good dog.
Yesterday we took him to Point Isabel, which is basically a bunch of land for dogs to run around with channels of water in between. There were about a million dogs there. We let him loose and it was just a free for all. Luckily, everyone there was really cool with him coming up to them and their dogs. He sniffed, and galloped and played. At one point he got behind us and couldn't find us. He looked around and then we saw him jump in the channel/water and swim to the other side, thinking we were on the other side. He got kind of stuck on one of the rocks, so Vaughn ran around to the side he was on and helped him up. Well at least we know puppy can swim! We also saw a bunch of ridgebacks. Coach couldn't stop playing with one and we realized that he might have some ridgeback in him. His tail, body shape and energy matched the ridgeback to a T.
Later that day, Phoenix and Lily and Dre came over and we went to a playground. What a cute baby! Then later that night I babysat. It was a fun day and I got my office cleaned!
Today, I woke up feeling like I had a lot to do. I'm off to work in a second here. Both the puppy and the car need a check-up, so my challenge today is call to at least one vet and one car place to check out prices, etc.
Challenge 34: Call vet and car person
34 down. 331 to go.
It is an absolutely gorgeous day here in sunny Oakland. I woke up around 8:30, wiggled around in bed for a little bit, and was out the door on a walk with the pup by 9. I realized it had been awhile since I'd taken Coach out first thing in the morning. It was a fun, bonding experience for us. :-) He's been so great lately, not pulling, walking beside us. Such a good dog.
Yesterday we took him to Point Isabel, which is basically a bunch of land for dogs to run around with channels of water in between. There were about a million dogs there. We let him loose and it was just a free for all. Luckily, everyone there was really cool with him coming up to them and their dogs. He sniffed, and galloped and played. At one point he got behind us and couldn't find us. He looked around and then we saw him jump in the channel/water and swim to the other side, thinking we were on the other side. He got kind of stuck on one of the rocks, so Vaughn ran around to the side he was on and helped him up. Well at least we know puppy can swim! We also saw a bunch of ridgebacks. Coach couldn't stop playing with one and we realized that he might have some ridgeback in him. His tail, body shape and energy matched the ridgeback to a T.
Later that day, Phoenix and Lily and Dre came over and we went to a playground. What a cute baby! Then later that night I babysat. It was a fun day and I got my office cleaned!
Today, I woke up feeling like I had a lot to do. I'm off to work in a second here. Both the puppy and the car need a check-up, so my challenge today is call to at least one vet and one car place to check out prices, etc.
Challenge 34: Call vet and car person
34 down. 331 to go.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Challenge 33: Clean my office (again)
February 14, 2010
So today I'm having, what we call in this house, a "slow take-off day." Woke up tired and foggy and having a hard time fully feeling awake. Tea is in the pot, so that will probably help.
Yesterday the challenge was the paint the kitchen, and it didn't get done. I think it was a combination of a bunch of circumstances. First, the store where I got the swatch of color I liked went out of business. So we went to Osh to find something similar, but we didn't find anything. Then we went to another paint store, but it was closed too. Also, we were both pretty hungry and had low blood sugar, so making a decision was difficult. We decided that ultimately, just picking a color that was OK was not the right solution. So we decided not to paint the kitchen last night. But Vaughn did try to find another Frazee paint store near us so we can find the color we want. We'll try again really soon, when we're well fed.
Other than painting, yesterday was really fun. I drove into the city to hang with the girls. The weather was absolutely beautiful. We hung out outside, had some mimosas, ate cheese and crackers (MY FAVORITE!!!) and laughed and caught up. Then Jamie and I left to go pick up Vaughn from his Union Square show, but it was still going on so we danced and had some fun. Then Lily, Dre and Phoenix met up with us. All around great day. It ended with four episodes of Supernatural (thanks Ken!).
Today is Valentine's Day, which isn't generally a huge holiday for me. Vaughn has a show tonight but he just made me the best breakfast and tea just the way I like it. And as soon as I'm done writing here, we're taking the dog to Point Isabel, a huge off leash dog park on the beach. So today I really want to focus on relaxing and just recharging before my week. Part of that though, is cleaning my office. Yes, once again, it is a pig sty. So that's it.
Challenge 33: Clean my office.
33 down. 332 go go.
So today I'm having, what we call in this house, a "slow take-off day." Woke up tired and foggy and having a hard time fully feeling awake. Tea is in the pot, so that will probably help.
Yesterday the challenge was the paint the kitchen, and it didn't get done. I think it was a combination of a bunch of circumstances. First, the store where I got the swatch of color I liked went out of business. So we went to Osh to find something similar, but we didn't find anything. Then we went to another paint store, but it was closed too. Also, we were both pretty hungry and had low blood sugar, so making a decision was difficult. We decided that ultimately, just picking a color that was OK was not the right solution. So we decided not to paint the kitchen last night. But Vaughn did try to find another Frazee paint store near us so we can find the color we want. We'll try again really soon, when we're well fed.
Other than painting, yesterday was really fun. I drove into the city to hang with the girls. The weather was absolutely beautiful. We hung out outside, had some mimosas, ate cheese and crackers (MY FAVORITE!!!) and laughed and caught up. Then Jamie and I left to go pick up Vaughn from his Union Square show, but it was still going on so we danced and had some fun. Then Lily, Dre and Phoenix met up with us. All around great day. It ended with four episodes of Supernatural (thanks Ken!).
Today is Valentine's Day, which isn't generally a huge holiday for me. Vaughn has a show tonight but he just made me the best breakfast and tea just the way I like it. And as soon as I'm done writing here, we're taking the dog to Point Isabel, a huge off leash dog park on the beach. So today I really want to focus on relaxing and just recharging before my week. Part of that though, is cleaning my office. Yes, once again, it is a pig sty. So that's it.
Challenge 33: Clean my office.
33 down. 332 go go.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Challenge 32: Paint the kitchen
February 13, 2010
It's Saturday morning and I'm already wide awake and it's only nine. It feels good waking up early. And I have NO work today at all, no gym, just fun. I'm going in to the city to hang with my girl Erica. She's been pretty key in helping encourage me to be a coach. It WAS her idea after all! So me and a couple other girls are going over to her house and decorate Valentine's cookies, maybe take the dogs for a walk. I texted Lily to see if she wanted to come. I still can't believe I have that option!
So last night my challenge was to get some cleaning done and take the dog for a long walk. And I'm happy to say that I accomplished both of those challenges, with bells on. I downloaded some cheesy top 40 songs, got on my dish gloves, and went to it with the kitchen. Dishes, counters, floors, everything. It's sparkly. Then after that, I decided to get on a good outfit and ty to go into our local bar with the dog. I made it in the front door, got swarmed by people wanting to pet and know about Coach but then was asked to leave because the establishment was not dog friend. No big deal, had a mission to walk to the bank anyway. So we walked and walked and met some people along the way. About 3 miles later, we were back home. Tired mom and dog. A little Chelsea Lately, and then bed.
Today is kind of overcast. But I'm looking forward to the day. Have a nice relaxing morning, a fun afternoon with the girls, and then painting the kitchen tonight. Which is my challenge for the day. Vaughn and I have been trying to find time to get it painted and tonight is going to be the night. Purple paint, coming up. :-)
It's Saturday morning and I'm already wide awake and it's only nine. It feels good waking up early. And I have NO work today at all, no gym, just fun. I'm going in to the city to hang with my girl Erica. She's been pretty key in helping encourage me to be a coach. It WAS her idea after all! So me and a couple other girls are going over to her house and decorate Valentine's cookies, maybe take the dogs for a walk. I texted Lily to see if she wanted to come. I still can't believe I have that option!
So last night my challenge was to get some cleaning done and take the dog for a long walk. And I'm happy to say that I accomplished both of those challenges, with bells on. I downloaded some cheesy top 40 songs, got on my dish gloves, and went to it with the kitchen. Dishes, counters, floors, everything. It's sparkly. Then after that, I decided to get on a good outfit and ty to go into our local bar with the dog. I made it in the front door, got swarmed by people wanting to pet and know about Coach but then was asked to leave because the establishment was not dog friend. No big deal, had a mission to walk to the bank anyway. So we walked and walked and met some people along the way. About 3 miles later, we were back home. Tired mom and dog. A little Chelsea Lately, and then bed.
Today is kind of overcast. But I'm looking forward to the day. Have a nice relaxing morning, a fun afternoon with the girls, and then painting the kitchen tonight. Which is my challenge for the day. Vaughn and I have been trying to find time to get it painted and tonight is going to be the night. Purple paint, coming up. :-)
Friday, February 12, 2010
Challenge 31: Clean Kitchen. Walked Dog.
February 12, 2010
Geez...so another late blogging day for me. But I have to admit, that it's for very good and exciting reasons. My week, and especially the last two days have been absolutely packed to the brim in the best ways possible. Coaching. And boxing. Today I didn't even have a spare minute until right now. And so I'm spending the time sipping on some wine and reflecting on the day.
Some really cool things have happened in the past couple days. And I'm so glad because I started off this week feeling just kind of off. Off about coaching, off about everything. I wasn't sure if I was being a good coach, etc, things weren't falling into place the way I wanted them too, and I just felt stuck. But I had a great call with my coach on Wednesday, who basically gave me this silly, but effective, exercise to do when I noticed myself freaking out...snapping a rubber band on my wrist, and it has worked! The past couple days I'm feeling more alive, more silly, more happy, and more together. Another common thread is that I've spent both days coaching. For hours. It's so cool to me to realize that when I'm doing that, I feel better. When I'm coaching, it feels right. When I'm busy coaching, I'm bouncing around the day, happily. So more of that, please!
Another thing that has been really great is that I'm getting wonderful opportunities from my completely amazing and supportive friends. One friend offered to tell her whole work about me as a coach, and pass along my info and she did! And they were excited. And another friend wrote an email on my behalf to her network of friends, and out of that I got an email from this guy who works for a PR company who came across a site that was looking for a coach to interview for an article. I not only talked to the woman today to answer questions for her article, but I gave her a free coaching session, which she said completely changed the way she thought about coaching. I offered to be her coach. Will keep you posted on that. She also said I could write an article for her website about coaching...which I MUST do next week or this weekend.
The coolest thing about talking to this woman today was that I not only was able to help her realize there is another way to look at her dreams/desires/things she's been wanting, but I helped one more person to not think coaching is cheesy. I've never really addressed this on my blog, but I do realize that some people might think coaching is silly, cheesy, woo woo, or not a legitimate career, but I find it so powerful and cool that I just want to share it with anyone willing to go there. This woman was definitely a skeptic. Helping her feel better about it was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I could have talked to her for hours.
After that hour ish call, I went to the boxing gym to meet with my trainer. I'm getting into more actual hitting of stuff. Gloves and hand wraps on. Punching bags. Drills. Jump-roping. I sweat more today...the dripping kind. And it felt great.
After that I came home and immediately had another coaching call with a new client. I feel so grateful.
Then some nannying and now I'm here. Wine in hand. Dog at feet. Blog being created. Best friend in town. Things feel real good.
So I know it's late in the day, but I still have challenges for myself. Since I've been so busy, I haven't made much time to clean the house or spend time with Coach. So tonight, I want the kitchen to be clean, and I want to go on a long walk with Coach. There it is.
Challenge 31: Clean Kitchen. Walked Dog.
31 down. 334 to go.
Geez...so another late blogging day for me. But I have to admit, that it's for very good and exciting reasons. My week, and especially the last two days have been absolutely packed to the brim in the best ways possible. Coaching. And boxing. Today I didn't even have a spare minute until right now. And so I'm spending the time sipping on some wine and reflecting on the day.
Some really cool things have happened in the past couple days. And I'm so glad because I started off this week feeling just kind of off. Off about coaching, off about everything. I wasn't sure if I was being a good coach, etc, things weren't falling into place the way I wanted them too, and I just felt stuck. But I had a great call with my coach on Wednesday, who basically gave me this silly, but effective, exercise to do when I noticed myself freaking out...snapping a rubber band on my wrist, and it has worked! The past couple days I'm feeling more alive, more silly, more happy, and more together. Another common thread is that I've spent both days coaching. For hours. It's so cool to me to realize that when I'm doing that, I feel better. When I'm coaching, it feels right. When I'm busy coaching, I'm bouncing around the day, happily. So more of that, please!
Another thing that has been really great is that I'm getting wonderful opportunities from my completely amazing and supportive friends. One friend offered to tell her whole work about me as a coach, and pass along my info and she did! And they were excited. And another friend wrote an email on my behalf to her network of friends, and out of that I got an email from this guy who works for a PR company who came across a site that was looking for a coach to interview for an article. I not only talked to the woman today to answer questions for her article, but I gave her a free coaching session, which she said completely changed the way she thought about coaching. I offered to be her coach. Will keep you posted on that. She also said I could write an article for her website about coaching...which I MUST do next week or this weekend.
The coolest thing about talking to this woman today was that I not only was able to help her realize there is another way to look at her dreams/desires/things she's been wanting, but I helped one more person to not think coaching is cheesy. I've never really addressed this on my blog, but I do realize that some people might think coaching is silly, cheesy, woo woo, or not a legitimate career, but I find it so powerful and cool that I just want to share it with anyone willing to go there. This woman was definitely a skeptic. Helping her feel better about it was the best thing that has happened to me in a long time. I could have talked to her for hours.
After that hour ish call, I went to the boxing gym to meet with my trainer. I'm getting into more actual hitting of stuff. Gloves and hand wraps on. Punching bags. Drills. Jump-roping. I sweat more today...the dripping kind. And it felt great.
After that I came home and immediately had another coaching call with a new client. I feel so grateful.
Then some nannying and now I'm here. Wine in hand. Dog at feet. Blog being created. Best friend in town. Things feel real good.
So I know it's late in the day, but I still have challenges for myself. Since I've been so busy, I haven't made much time to clean the house or spend time with Coach. So tonight, I want the kitchen to be clean, and I want to go on a long walk with Coach. There it is.
Challenge 31: Clean Kitchen. Walked Dog.
31 down. 334 to go.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Challenge 30: Get on my 8am call
February 11, 2010
So as some of you may have noticed, this post is coming way late in the day for me. Today has been absolutely packed to the brim, hour by hour, and so wonderful. My challenge for the day was obtained by 8am, so writing about it is going to be different today than usual.
But let's start with yesterday. Yesterday my challenge was to get everything done before my 1pm certification call. And it's funny because once I buckled down and actually attempted to do it, it actually only took about 20 minutes to complete! It was all this worrying for only 20 minutes of work. Just goes to show that avoiding things can create unnecessary stress. So I had my first certification call and it was great. The people (my pod mates) were really nice and funny and I could tell I absolutely made the right decision going into certification. I'm so excited for the process.
So today started bright and early. I had an optional coaching call this morning at 8am. I set my alarm for it, but when it went off, all I wanted to do was stay warm in bed, under the covers. But I decided right then and there that my challenge would be to get on the call. I hemmed and hawed for about 20 minutes, snoozed a little, but ultimately decided that if I really wanted to take my coaching business seriously, I should do anything I can to improve myself as a coach. Which included, today, getting on that call at 8am. I did it. It went until 9:30 and then from 10 to 1:30 pm I had back to back coaching calls. Right when I got off the phone with my last client, I headed to the San Francisco airport to pick up my very best friend in the whole world, her fiance, and their baby. This, on any other day, would just be an exciting visit, but on today, it was so much more. THEY MOVED HERE!!!! For five years LIly has lived in NY, so far away. ANd today, she moved back home. I couldn't be more happy about that. So I picked them up and we went to their new house and then out to eat at one of my favorite local restaurants, Burma Superstar. YUM!
So now I'm home, about 8 minutes away from my next coaching call, feeling good, happy, full, and excited. So many fun things to be had. I'm so happy Lily is home.
Challenge 30: Get on my 8am call
So as some of you may have noticed, this post is coming way late in the day for me. Today has been absolutely packed to the brim, hour by hour, and so wonderful. My challenge for the day was obtained by 8am, so writing about it is going to be different today than usual.
But let's start with yesterday. Yesterday my challenge was to get everything done before my 1pm certification call. And it's funny because once I buckled down and actually attempted to do it, it actually only took about 20 minutes to complete! It was all this worrying for only 20 minutes of work. Just goes to show that avoiding things can create unnecessary stress. So I had my first certification call and it was great. The people (my pod mates) were really nice and funny and I could tell I absolutely made the right decision going into certification. I'm so excited for the process.
So today started bright and early. I had an optional coaching call this morning at 8am. I set my alarm for it, but when it went off, all I wanted to do was stay warm in bed, under the covers. But I decided right then and there that my challenge would be to get on the call. I hemmed and hawed for about 20 minutes, snoozed a little, but ultimately decided that if I really wanted to take my coaching business seriously, I should do anything I can to improve myself as a coach. Which included, today, getting on that call at 8am. I did it. It went until 9:30 and then from 10 to 1:30 pm I had back to back coaching calls. Right when I got off the phone with my last client, I headed to the San Francisco airport to pick up my very best friend in the whole world, her fiance, and their baby. This, on any other day, would just be an exciting visit, but on today, it was so much more. THEY MOVED HERE!!!! For five years LIly has lived in NY, so far away. ANd today, she moved back home. I couldn't be more happy about that. So I picked them up and we went to their new house and then out to eat at one of my favorite local restaurants, Burma Superstar. YUM!
So now I'm home, about 8 minutes away from my next coaching call, feeling good, happy, full, and excited. So many fun things to be had. I'm so happy Lily is home.
Challenge 30: Get on my 8am call
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Challenge 29: Get everything done before my call at 1
February 10, 2010
The puppy is out of control! He has so much energy lately. Last night I had to take him to the dog park to run out some of the excess, but it appears to still be here this morning. Such is the life of a puppy owner. He's still adorable. This morning was a bit of an early one. Had a coaching call at 9am, then an appointment at the gym at 10. And now here I am, writing.
Yesterday my challenge was to turn my day around, and I'm not sure how I did it, but I did. I went to work a bit early, was able to keep a pretty positive outlook throughout the day, and ended the day with my favorite meal...Taco Time. Lots of silliness with us and the animals happened too when Vaughn got home from his gig. Overall, the day was definitely turned around. I got to chat with some good friends I hadn't talked to in awhile, hang out with the dog, and get some emails done. I didn't clean my office however. Oops! It's still a big time sty. Gonna try for round two today.
So today I start certification. In about an hour I'll be on a 90 minute phone call with my "pod" (my certification group). I don't feel prepared. I think I was supposed to have read some stuff or done some stuff. So I'm going to cut this posting short and get on it. My challenge is to get everything done I need to get done before my call at 1pm (and that includes eat lunch and shower). Here I go!
Challenge 29: Get everything done before my call at 1
29 down. 336 to go.
The puppy is out of control! He has so much energy lately. Last night I had to take him to the dog park to run out some of the excess, but it appears to still be here this morning. Such is the life of a puppy owner. He's still adorable. This morning was a bit of an early one. Had a coaching call at 9am, then an appointment at the gym at 10. And now here I am, writing.
Yesterday my challenge was to turn my day around, and I'm not sure how I did it, but I did. I went to work a bit early, was able to keep a pretty positive outlook throughout the day, and ended the day with my favorite meal...Taco Time. Lots of silliness with us and the animals happened too when Vaughn got home from his gig. Overall, the day was definitely turned around. I got to chat with some good friends I hadn't talked to in awhile, hang out with the dog, and get some emails done. I didn't clean my office however. Oops! It's still a big time sty. Gonna try for round two today.
So today I start certification. In about an hour I'll be on a 90 minute phone call with my "pod" (my certification group). I don't feel prepared. I think I was supposed to have read some stuff or done some stuff. So I'm going to cut this posting short and get on it. My challenge is to get everything done I need to get done before my call at 1pm (and that includes eat lunch and shower). Here I go!
Challenge 29: Get everything done before my call at 1
29 down. 336 to go.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Challenge 28: Turn my day around
February 9, 2010
So before I jump into the day, I remembered last night that I forgot to recap my week goals from last week. The challenge last week was to begin boxing and I'm very happy to say that I've had three sessions with my trainer since last week. And I plan on continuing, three days a week. I love it because while I'm there, I'm completely focused on it. Nothing else is on my mind, which for me, is a feat in and of itself. I usually have a swirling mind of thoughts, worries, etc. So being there not only makes me feel stronger and healthier, but it also helps me clear my slate. Also, have been continuing to work on not cracking my knuckles. There may have been a few cracks here and there the past few days, but nothing like I used to do. Also considering that a success. Oh! I FINALLY called Frigidaire and it wasn't even that bad. Don't know why it took me so dang long.
Yesterday was a pretty packed day. 10am appointment at the gym, work 1-7:30, then band practice from 7:30-10:30. The gym was great, work was fine, and practice was super fun. We learned some new songs, practiced, goofed off, jammed, and had a really great time. I'm still rebuilding my relationship to music and being in a band setting, and this was a great step for that. And on the music note, I learned 4 new songs yesterday...almost reaching my goal of five, still considering that a success. All my practice on one of the songs completely paid off.
I'm not sure how I feel about today yet. I had some anxiety dreams/nightmares last night and woke up not feeling great. Then got an email that my 10am appointment had to postpone. I'm trying hard not to let any of that effect my day. I think part of it too is that my office is a pig sty...AGAIN, UGH!!!! I don't how I can be so messy while at the same time being so ocd about cleanliness. Doesn't make sense. So today I'm going to try to turn my day around early on. Set it on a positive spin somehow. I just don't know what that's going to look like yet. I know I can start by cleaning my office. Maybe take the dog out.
I don't know but that's my challenge for the day and I'll see what happens.
Challenge 28: Turn my day around
28 down. 337 to go.
So before I jump into the day, I remembered last night that I forgot to recap my week goals from last week. The challenge last week was to begin boxing and I'm very happy to say that I've had three sessions with my trainer since last week. And I plan on continuing, three days a week. I love it because while I'm there, I'm completely focused on it. Nothing else is on my mind, which for me, is a feat in and of itself. I usually have a swirling mind of thoughts, worries, etc. So being there not only makes me feel stronger and healthier, but it also helps me clear my slate. Also, have been continuing to work on not cracking my knuckles. There may have been a few cracks here and there the past few days, but nothing like I used to do. Also considering that a success. Oh! I FINALLY called Frigidaire and it wasn't even that bad. Don't know why it took me so dang long.
Yesterday was a pretty packed day. 10am appointment at the gym, work 1-7:30, then band practice from 7:30-10:30. The gym was great, work was fine, and practice was super fun. We learned some new songs, practiced, goofed off, jammed, and had a really great time. I'm still rebuilding my relationship to music and being in a band setting, and this was a great step for that. And on the music note, I learned 4 new songs yesterday...almost reaching my goal of five, still considering that a success. All my practice on one of the songs completely paid off.
I'm not sure how I feel about today yet. I had some anxiety dreams/nightmares last night and woke up not feeling great. Then got an email that my 10am appointment had to postpone. I'm trying hard not to let any of that effect my day. I think part of it too is that my office is a pig sty...AGAIN, UGH!!!! I don't how I can be so messy while at the same time being so ocd about cleanliness. Doesn't make sense. So today I'm going to try to turn my day around early on. Set it on a positive spin somehow. I just don't know what that's going to look like yet. I know I can start by cleaning my office. Maybe take the dog out.
I don't know but that's my challenge for the day and I'll see what happens.
Challenge 28: Turn my day around
28 down. 337 to go.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Challenge 27: 5 new songs on bass
February 8, 2010
Yesterday was the Superbowl and I completed my challenge! To watch the whole thing. Early on, I chose to support the Colts, for reasons completely silly and embarrassing. Although in the first half, it looked like I was going to come out on top, the Saints came back the second half to bite me. Eh...whatever. I also have to say I was pretty disappointed in the quality of commercials. There was no real stand out one. The closest thing that came to it was the Bud Light autotune commercial. I genuinely thought that was good.
After the Superbowl, we decided to head home since I had a 10am appointment this morning, then work. The drive was easy and we got home around 11:30pm. Overall, very nice and relaxing weekend. But when we got home, Bucket (the cat) was nowhere to be found and his food hadn't been touched. I was worried because when we left for the weekend, Bucket got out and we couldn't catch him before we left. Our neighbor's said they would let him in. So when he wasn't in the house, I was worried he was gone. So we left the backdoor open and within a half hour he was all up in our faces, meowing and purring. The family all tucked in and curled up, we called it a night.
This morning was another bright and early morning started by the animals crawling on and nudging our faces. So here I am, bright eyed, with tea and breakfast in me, and it's not even 9am. Greetings new week.
So my challenge for today is to learn 5 new songs on bass. We have practice tonight, so I'm going to strive to learn as many as I can in a couple hours. I'll check in tomorrow.
Challenge 27: 5 new songs on bass
27 down. 338 to go.
Yesterday was the Superbowl and I completed my challenge! To watch the whole thing. Early on, I chose to support the Colts, for reasons completely silly and embarrassing. Although in the first half, it looked like I was going to come out on top, the Saints came back the second half to bite me. Eh...whatever. I also have to say I was pretty disappointed in the quality of commercials. There was no real stand out one. The closest thing that came to it was the Bud Light autotune commercial. I genuinely thought that was good.
After the Superbowl, we decided to head home since I had a 10am appointment this morning, then work. The drive was easy and we got home around 11:30pm. Overall, very nice and relaxing weekend. But when we got home, Bucket (the cat) was nowhere to be found and his food hadn't been touched. I was worried because when we left for the weekend, Bucket got out and we couldn't catch him before we left. Our neighbor's said they would let him in. So when he wasn't in the house, I was worried he was gone. So we left the backdoor open and within a half hour he was all up in our faces, meowing and purring. The family all tucked in and curled up, we called it a night.
This morning was another bright and early morning started by the animals crawling on and nudging our faces. So here I am, bright eyed, with tea and breakfast in me, and it's not even 9am. Greetings new week.
So my challenge for today is to learn 5 new songs on bass. We have practice tonight, so I'm going to strive to learn as many as I can in a couple hours. I'll check in tomorrow.
Challenge 27: 5 new songs on bass
27 down. 338 to go.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Challenge 26: Watch the Superbowl

February 7, 2010
I am sitting in a beautiful house in Tahoe...an aframe with windows overlooking the snowy mountains and trees. The guys (Vaughn and Ken...the owner of the house) went back out on the mountain for some skiing/snowboarding, and I decided to stay here. I think I realized that I don't really like snowboarding that much. I'm not sure how much I ever did, but I would go anyway. But yesterday, as I was on the mountain with sore muscles and achy knees, I just realized that I don't HAVE to do it. I don't HAVE to like it. So after my two measly runs, I decided to not do it anymore. I love being up in the snow, I love cabins and everything, but I'm not sure I'm a snowboarder anymore.
So this morning, Ken's dog and our dog got into a growling, snarling, biting fight. It's the third time it's happened since yesterday and I think we narrowed it down to the fact that Coach is being possessive over me. It's so weird because he's never displayed that type of behavior before. I really hope that this behavior won't stick. I'm going to take him out in the snow to hopefully tire him out.
So today is Superbowl, and of course it's not a huge event for me. But, Vaughn is into it, so my challenge for the day is to watch the entire game. If nothing else, I know there will be really great commercials.
Challenge 26: Watch the Superbowl
26 down. 339 to go.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Challenge 25: Snowboarding
February, 6, 2010
It's a late start for me here on the blog. I'm on vacation with little internet access. But I'm so happy I was able to get on here for at least a minute. We are up in Tahoe. Coach's first time in the snow and at first he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Now he is loving it. This blog might be a bit short due to my limited access.
So since I didn't have a chance to write before the day began, I decided on my challenge ahead of time. Snowboarding. I haven't done it in years, wasn't sure how good I'd be at it anymore, and am still coming off some very sore muscles from boxing. So we went out today and I did a couple runs before deciding to hang with the dog and some hot chocolate instead. So although I didn't have a long day at it, I did do it.
Also, yesterday I was able to practice bass for a half hour before driving up. I consider that a success!
Off to go hot tub.
Challenge 25: snowboarding
25 down. 340 to go.
It's a late start for me here on the blog. I'm on vacation with little internet access. But I'm so happy I was able to get on here for at least a minute. We are up in Tahoe. Coach's first time in the snow and at first he wasn't sure how he felt about it. Now he is loving it. This blog might be a bit short due to my limited access.
So since I didn't have a chance to write before the day began, I decided on my challenge ahead of time. Snowboarding. I haven't done it in years, wasn't sure how good I'd be at it anymore, and am still coming off some very sore muscles from boxing. So we went out today and I did a couple runs before deciding to hang with the dog and some hot chocolate instead. So although I didn't have a long day at it, I did do it.
Also, yesterday I was able to practice bass for a half hour before driving up. I consider that a success!
Off to go hot tub.
Challenge 25: snowboarding
25 down. 340 to go.
Friday, February 5, 2010
Challenge 24: Practice bass for an hour
February 5, 2010
So I am not very happy to say that I did not call Frigidaire...AGAIN. Well, I actually did call them, but it was too late in the day. I meant to call them right after I wrote the post for yesterday, but I realized that the dog needed to get a bath and I needed to get cat food and I didn't think I'd have time to do that stuff in between all my appointments in the afternoon. So I opted for the morning. And by the time I did have a minute in the afternoon, it turned out that it was evening and Frigidaire was closed. Poor planning on my part. It's not even a big deal, calling Frigidaire, so I don't know why I'm not doing it. Ugh! Putting it on the list again for today.
I'm also not happy to say that I didn't get 2 sample clients yesterday. I was planning on writing a message to all my friends on Facebook letting them know a bit about what coaching is, and ask them to help me reach my goal of ten sample sessions next week by giving their friends, who might be interested, my information, but when I went to send the message, FB said there was an error and it wouldn't send. All night. So I tried to write a note and tag all my friends, but there was a tag limit. So only people who's names start with "Bl" got the note. Ugh! But I did write a letter to one of my friends who has a ton of friends and asked for her help in reaching my goal. Still sort of feels like a fail. Am I slacking? Am I getting lazy with this?
I woke up this morning super sore! I had a great training session at the boxing gym last night, but this morning I can barely walk. Yesterday was also filled with coaching, a couple disappointments, and an hour of practicing bass for my friend Jamie's show that I'm playing in. I think although we're (Vaughn me and the dog) heading up to Tahoe this weekend, I think I'd like to make sure I get some bass practicing in before I go.
Challenge 24: Practice bass for an hour
24 down. 341 to go.
So I am not very happy to say that I did not call Frigidaire...AGAIN. Well, I actually did call them, but it was too late in the day. I meant to call them right after I wrote the post for yesterday, but I realized that the dog needed to get a bath and I needed to get cat food and I didn't think I'd have time to do that stuff in between all my appointments in the afternoon. So I opted for the morning. And by the time I did have a minute in the afternoon, it turned out that it was evening and Frigidaire was closed. Poor planning on my part. It's not even a big deal, calling Frigidaire, so I don't know why I'm not doing it. Ugh! Putting it on the list again for today.
I'm also not happy to say that I didn't get 2 sample clients yesterday. I was planning on writing a message to all my friends on Facebook letting them know a bit about what coaching is, and ask them to help me reach my goal of ten sample sessions next week by giving their friends, who might be interested, my information, but when I went to send the message, FB said there was an error and it wouldn't send. All night. So I tried to write a note and tag all my friends, but there was a tag limit. So only people who's names start with "Bl" got the note. Ugh! But I did write a letter to one of my friends who has a ton of friends and asked for her help in reaching my goal. Still sort of feels like a fail. Am I slacking? Am I getting lazy with this?
I woke up this morning super sore! I had a great training session at the boxing gym last night, but this morning I can barely walk. Yesterday was also filled with coaching, a couple disappointments, and an hour of practicing bass for my friend Jamie's show that I'm playing in. I think although we're (Vaughn me and the dog) heading up to Tahoe this weekend, I think I'd like to make sure I get some bass practicing in before I go.
Challenge 24: Practice bass for an hour
24 down. 341 to go.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Challenge 23: Two Sample Sessions
February 4, 2010
In stark contrast to my morning experience yesterday, today I popped out of bed at 7am, thanks to a coaching certification call I had and my trusty ole alarm clock. In fact, I actually woke up naturally at 6:56. Yes, I was groggy, but I also got out of bed and I'm really glad I did. The call this morning was about how to get more clients and some tips about the sample session. I think I got some great ideas and by the end of the call, I agreed to try to do 10 sample sessions this week. So I'm sure that'll be part of my challenge for the day. I have no idea where I'll get ten sample clients, but I'm gonna go for it and try!
Yesterday turned out to be a pretty busy day after all. I met with my new coach at Starbucks and was very pleased at how it went. Meeting face to face was a really cool element of our coaching session. I think I'm going to implement that with any clients that live nearby.
Yesterday, my challenge was to call Frigidaire and I'm not that excited to say that I didn't do it. The day got away from me and I just simply didn't make the time. By the time I got done with my 2 hour coaching session, and my first boxing session (I DID IT!), it was well past 5 pm and I was hungry. So I gave myself a pat on the back for going to the boxing gym, a weekly challenge of mine, and I just put Frigidaire on my list for today. And in fact, I'm going to do it right now, after I'm done writing this.
Today is filled with lots and lots of coaching, which is so exciting for me. I have three calls this afternoon, then two calls tonight. I'm also going to try to give the dog a bath, try to get more sample sessions, and go back to the boxing gym. Let's see if I can get it all in!
Challenge 23: Get two sample sessions set up for the week
23 down. 342 to go.
In stark contrast to my morning experience yesterday, today I popped out of bed at 7am, thanks to a coaching certification call I had and my trusty ole alarm clock. In fact, I actually woke up naturally at 6:56. Yes, I was groggy, but I also got out of bed and I'm really glad I did. The call this morning was about how to get more clients and some tips about the sample session. I think I got some great ideas and by the end of the call, I agreed to try to do 10 sample sessions this week. So I'm sure that'll be part of my challenge for the day. I have no idea where I'll get ten sample clients, but I'm gonna go for it and try!
Yesterday turned out to be a pretty busy day after all. I met with my new coach at Starbucks and was very pleased at how it went. Meeting face to face was a really cool element of our coaching session. I think I'm going to implement that with any clients that live nearby.
Yesterday, my challenge was to call Frigidaire and I'm not that excited to say that I didn't do it. The day got away from me and I just simply didn't make the time. By the time I got done with my 2 hour coaching session, and my first boxing session (I DID IT!), it was well past 5 pm and I was hungry. So I gave myself a pat on the back for going to the boxing gym, a weekly challenge of mine, and I just put Frigidaire on my list for today. And in fact, I'm going to do it right now, after I'm done writing this.
Today is filled with lots and lots of coaching, which is so exciting for me. I have three calls this afternoon, then two calls tonight. I'm also going to try to give the dog a bath, try to get more sample sessions, and go back to the boxing gym. Let's see if I can get it all in!
Challenge 23: Get two sample sessions set up for the week
23 down. 342 to go.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Challenge 22: Call Frigidaire
February 3, 2010
I'm still having a heck of a time getting my butt out of bed. I'm missing those mornings of yore where I just popped out, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, at 8 or 8:30. Because now that I can't get out of bed before 9, I just feel like a big loser, wasting time. I'm up now Technically. My tea is brewing on the stove and Vaughn is out with the dog. Today feels like a busy day, although I don't have a ton of things on my calendar. I suppose the undercurrent of worry is still there. Maybe that's why I wanted to stay in bed. Hmmmmmmm.....
On a lighter note, I am happy to say that I really enjoyed my challenge yesterday. I liked that is wasn't just "Don't Worry," but that I gave myself something else to do when I started to worry. And not just something else, but something else that was positive that changed the energy of what I was thinking about. And, if nothing else, I was able to sit in a place of gratitude and that just felt wonderful. Some of the things I was grateful for:
My family and their support
Being able to go to College
My relationship
My beautiful house
Coach and Bucket
My job
Facebook, for allowing me to keep in touch with friends
Vaughn's family
The bay area
and so on.
I'm also happy to say that I have kept the cracking of my knuckles to a minimum, and I don't even think I cracked them at all yesterday. It's starting to not even occur to me. And who would have thought that would happen in less than two weeks?! It's something I've been doing since I was a kid.
So today I meet with my new coach, I have some puzzles to write, some tasks to do for my work, and various to-do list items.
There's one task that I have just been procrastinating on for awhile now, so I'm going to make that my challenge for the day.
Challenge 22: Call Frigidaire
22 down. 343 to go.
I'm still having a heck of a time getting my butt out of bed. I'm missing those mornings of yore where I just popped out, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, at 8 or 8:30. Because now that I can't get out of bed before 9, I just feel like a big loser, wasting time. I'm up now Technically. My tea is brewing on the stove and Vaughn is out with the dog. Today feels like a busy day, although I don't have a ton of things on my calendar. I suppose the undercurrent of worry is still there. Maybe that's why I wanted to stay in bed. Hmmmmmmm.....
On a lighter note, I am happy to say that I really enjoyed my challenge yesterday. I liked that is wasn't just "Don't Worry," but that I gave myself something else to do when I started to worry. And not just something else, but something else that was positive that changed the energy of what I was thinking about. And, if nothing else, I was able to sit in a place of gratitude and that just felt wonderful. Some of the things I was grateful for:
My family and their support
Being able to go to College
My relationship
My beautiful house
Coach and Bucket
My job
Facebook, for allowing me to keep in touch with friends
Vaughn's family
The bay area
and so on.
I'm also happy to say that I have kept the cracking of my knuckles to a minimum, and I don't even think I cracked them at all yesterday. It's starting to not even occur to me. And who would have thought that would happen in less than two weeks?! It's something I've been doing since I was a kid.
So today I meet with my new coach, I have some puzzles to write, some tasks to do for my work, and various to-do list items.
There's one task that I have just been procrastinating on for awhile now, so I'm going to make that my challenge for the day.
Challenge 22: Call Frigidaire
22 down. 343 to go.
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Challenge 21: When worry comes on...be grateful for something else
February 2, 2010
Dang kids are picky eaters! I feel like I can honestly say I know how parents feel about cooking dinner for their families, and why so many opt for the tater tots, mac and cheese and pizza. It doesn't matter how much thought you put into it, how elaborate the dinners are, or how healthy you try to be, kids like what they like and that's it, and they don't have a problem telling you. So my challenge yesterday was to cook something healthy for the kids. I was planning on checking out my Trader Joe's cookbook and finding a good meal for the family. But when I talked to the dad, he told me exactly what to make and how to make it. Which was really great because the goal overall is to make the family what they want. So we went with spaghetti. Not too unhealthy. Ground beef with onions and garlic and two cans of tomato sauce. Lots of fresh parmesan cheese, and a salad. Other than the white pasta, I felt this meal was pretty healthy. Well...the son doesn't like sauce, so his spaghetti was just noodles, butter, and cheese. No salad. And a dessert of two fudgesicles (in addition to the 2 he had before dinner). The daughter, before she took a bite said, "let's see how this measures up to dad's." No pressure, right?! Anyway, it's all a very interesting experiment in jumping into a parent's shoes for a minute. I think overall it was a success.
Today started off slightly on a disappointing note. I had a new client's sample session set up for 10am. So I woke up early and fueled up to prepare. Then I checked my email and she wrote saying she'd like to postpone. I'm practicing not letting things bother me as much and not taking things personally. So I told her it was no problem and we could definitely postpone. On the upside, the extra time gave me opportunity to run an errand with the dog, something I had to do anyway. Was trying to see if I could squeeze boxing in today, but given the time right now, I don't think it'll work before I have get MIles from school. Or maybe I'm just procrastinating that goal?
I do have a few puzzles to write this week. That business has been super duper slow.
Today I also just feel an undercurrent of worry. There are a couple things that are on my mind that I'm worrying about, and it's just not serving me. So today, my challenge is to try to not worry. And instead, when I feel that worried feeling come on, I'm going to say something I'm grateful for. There it is.
Challenge 21: When worry comes on...be grateful for something else.
21 down. 344 to go.
Dang kids are picky eaters! I feel like I can honestly say I know how parents feel about cooking dinner for their families, and why so many opt for the tater tots, mac and cheese and pizza. It doesn't matter how much thought you put into it, how elaborate the dinners are, or how healthy you try to be, kids like what they like and that's it, and they don't have a problem telling you. So my challenge yesterday was to cook something healthy for the kids. I was planning on checking out my Trader Joe's cookbook and finding a good meal for the family. But when I talked to the dad, he told me exactly what to make and how to make it. Which was really great because the goal overall is to make the family what they want. So we went with spaghetti. Not too unhealthy. Ground beef with onions and garlic and two cans of tomato sauce. Lots of fresh parmesan cheese, and a salad. Other than the white pasta, I felt this meal was pretty healthy. Well...the son doesn't like sauce, so his spaghetti was just noodles, butter, and cheese. No salad. And a dessert of two fudgesicles (in addition to the 2 he had before dinner). The daughter, before she took a bite said, "let's see how this measures up to dad's." No pressure, right?! Anyway, it's all a very interesting experiment in jumping into a parent's shoes for a minute. I think overall it was a success.
Today started off slightly on a disappointing note. I had a new client's sample session set up for 10am. So I woke up early and fueled up to prepare. Then I checked my email and she wrote saying she'd like to postpone. I'm practicing not letting things bother me as much and not taking things personally. So I told her it was no problem and we could definitely postpone. On the upside, the extra time gave me opportunity to run an errand with the dog, something I had to do anyway. Was trying to see if I could squeeze boxing in today, but given the time right now, I don't think it'll work before I have get MIles from school. Or maybe I'm just procrastinating that goal?
I do have a few puzzles to write this week. That business has been super duper slow.
Today I also just feel an undercurrent of worry. There are a couple things that are on my mind that I'm worrying about, and it's just not serving me. So today, my challenge is to try to not worry. And instead, when I feel that worried feeling come on, I'm going to say something I'm grateful for. There it is.
Challenge 21: When worry comes on...be grateful for something else.
21 down. 344 to go.
Monday, February 1, 2010
Challenge 20: Cook the kids a healthy meal

February 1, 2010
So it's a new month and a whole lot more days for new challenges. I suppose I'm starting today off on a lazier note. I set my alarm to get up at 8:30 so I could have lots of tea and breakfast and internet time before I meet my friend Mary for a date with our dogs, but I just couldn't do it. So here I am, still in bed, barely up. I did finagle a ride to the meetup, so I don't have to take the 30 plus minutes it usually takes to get there.
I had a really great day yesterday. And it was interesting how I worded my challenge and how that affected it. It wasn't that I wasn't supposed to do work-related things, but that when they started to feel like work, instead of fun, then I stopped. For example, when I was originally thinking of the challenge I figured that I wouldn't be able to do some of my coaching emails because that is technically "work" but as I was doing them, they weren't feeling like work, so I continued. Then I started to clean my office and it was fine, and then I starting thinking "I really don't feel like doing this right now," so I didn't. It was definitely a cool challenge and the wording gave me lots of freedom.
Later in the day we went to Bernal Heights dog park to meetup with a bunch of other great danes and their owners. It's this beautiful off leash area that overlooks the entire city. Check out the pic of Coach overlooking the city. It was an easy hike, albeit lots of uphills, to the top. After we let the dogs play around for a bit we all went over to this dog friendly bar called Stray Bar. You should have seen all these danes in this tiny bar. We definitely took over the couch area, as you all know, danes LOVE couches. While we were there I had another one of my wacky ideas. This one was to somehow combine a dog park and a restaurant/bar. So there would be this huge outdoor area and an on duty dog watcher (think lifeguard, for dogs) so you can go eat and have drinks while your dogs get exercise. There would even be tables overlooking the dog park area so you could keep your eye on your dog while you eat. And in order to make sure your dog is safe to play with the other dogs, you'd have to pass a quick little test with your dog meeting the "house" dog. I don't know. It was really fun to think about. Anyone want to be my partner in crime?!
So it's almost noon now and I just got back from the off-leash excursion with Mary and our dogs. I have to say, I'm so proud of Coach. He's been such a great dog lately. Mary is a fellow coach in my program, so it was really fun to talk shop. We agreed to hang again when she gets back from her vacation.
So, like I said it's a new month and I'm finding it valuable to reflect on my past month and the challenges I set out to do. First things first, last week was all about not cracking my knuckles. I made it! It was a lot harder than I thought but I was enjoying the structure of the challenge. Just seeing if I could do it. And today when I woke up, I knew I could give em a good crack, and when I did, it didn't even feel that great. So I'm going to see if I can continue on the no cracking, or very little cracking. We'll see. I also set out to do three hang events with my friends and I'm happy to say that I also did that. We had Nickel's party, bad movie night, hanging with Jamie and Michele, hanging with Jamie and Erica. And I've already set up a couple more dates for this week. I set out to get some more clients and I have three more from when I started. And I've spent some really great time with my dog, conquering my fears with him. I'm feeling pretty good about it all.
So new month, new challenges. For the day for the week and for the month. This month I want to focus on my health a bit more. Get more physical. Eat fresh foods. So here's the breakdown:
Today: Cook the kids a healthy meal
Week: Start boxing
Month: Lose 5 pounds
There it is. Wish me luck.
20 down. 345 to go.
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