Sunday, January 17, 2010

Challenge 5: Say what's bothering me


It’s 2:15 and I’m on Bart, heading back to Oakland. And I’m happy to say that not only did I strike up a conversation with a stranger, but I struck up a conversation with a stranger, and then three more strangers (they were together so I don’t know if I should count them as one or three).

It’s funny how much I didn’t feel like having the conversation when I got to the airport. I actually felt a little stressed about it. I had woken up at 5, wasn’t feel tip-top, and certainly wasn’t feeling chatty. At the airport in Rhinelander Vaughn asked me what my challenge was for the day and I told him. He said I should try to do it in the Midwest, since people there are nice (is what I assumed he meant). But I didn’t want to do it in front of him because I was self-conscious. No conversation other than a small comment from a guy at the end of the security line. He said “hurry up and wait.” I agreed and smiled. Vaughn said that didn’t count and I agreed. I slept the duration of the 45 minute flight to the Minneapolis airport and once we got there, I just couldn’t imagine having to have a conversation. I was tired. Vaughn went to the bathroom and I told a woman in passing I liked her scarf. I was warming up, but it still didn’t count. We walked to our terminal and sat down near an outlet to plug in our computers. I looked around at my potential conversation people. A girl listening to music on her phone without headphones, another girl buried in her book lying on the floor, she had nice glasses I thought. That could be a point of entry.

Vaughn left again my perfect opportunity arose. A red-haired man in his 50’s walked by with his Apple on his arm and a wandering eye, looking for a plug. “You need a plug,” I say. “There’s one right here. I can move my stuff.” He is thankful and sits down. I think “this is my perfect opportunity.” I told him I loved his bright purple shirt and that not a lot of men wear bright colors and it’s really flattering. Ok, a slight fumble. I felt silly. But he seemed pleased. Then I asked him if he was coming or going. Incredible what that opened up. I found out he lived in the Catskills of New York, Woodstock to be exact. And that he had never been to California. He was an avid birdwatcher and planned his vacations around the birds he wanted to see and photograph. He showed me some of his pictures. Absolutely stunning. I also learned that he was planning on going from Bolinas to Monterrey. We both hoped the storm that’s coming wouldn’t scare the birds away. So there it was. A conversation with a complete stranger. I learned something new. He was so interesting. I felt accomplished and like I could relax. I opened my book and waited for our boarding call.

On the plane we were sat in a row in front of three college aged girls, one of whom was clearly from the south. From eavesdropping I gathered that they were from one of the Carolinas and they didn’t know each other well. “Where are they going?” I wondered. “What are they doing out here?” I slept, watched an episode of “Big Love” and soon arrived at SFO. They seemed excited to be here. Wondered if the body of water we were passing over was THE bay, wondered where Alcatraz was. I asked Vaughn. Right as we were about to deplane I asked them what they were doing here. “Visiting an Agriculture conference at UC Davis.” They were from North Carolina University, had never been to the bay area (only one of them had been to California before), and were looking forward to the trip. It was time to move out of the plane and I wished them well and told them to enjoy.
I challenged myself to do something I really didn’t feel like doing, and not only did it feel good to follow through, it felt good to learn something about new people. It made my day a little richer. Gave me food for thought.

So we got home yesterday and I received a package that made me really sad. Some old photos and videos that put me in a funky mood. But instead of talking about it, I just went to bed. So now, today, I've woken up with a headache and a bad attitude. So my challenge for today is say what's bothering me, instead of walking around with a chip on my shoulder. It's raining too.

Challenge 5: say what's bothering me

5 down. 360 to go.

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