April 30, 2010
To school or not to school. That seems to have been the question for me ever since I was still in college. It's a feeling I just can't beat/don't want to beat (perhaps). But what do I want it for? I keep asking myself this. Is it the thirst for knowledge? Is it having a higher degree attached to my name? Is it the thing that gives me the opportunities I want? Is it an old dream I can't let go of? I can probably answer all of these questions. But what's in my gut? My "looky belly" as my mom calls it. I've always been really good with my intuition, letting it steer the ship. And eventually I know it'll steer me clear this time around too. It's the beforehand that's annoying. The unknowing. Some people love not knowing. I'm trying to embrace that a little more, but I'm still far away from "love." The program...Positive Psychology. To me, it's basically life coaching in the academic realm. Must get more information.
Yesterday the task was to clean my office and I did! It looks great and I feel SO much better. Coaching went well yesterday. Also, I had something cool happen yesterday. At work, my boss wanted me to paint a portion of his wall in this chalkboard paint so that his kids can draw on the wall. I'm already not much of a painter, bad with edges and straight lines. Plus, my boss is particular and notices everything. It would have to be perfect! I didn't want to paint because I was afraid I would mess it up. I kept imagining myself having to figure out how to fix the mess I made. But I decided, going into it, that it was going to turn out great. I used a level to tape the walls. I was very careful taping the edges and painting and it turned out near perfect! Nice clean, straight, lines. A square in the middle of his wall. I know this isn't much of a feat to some, but to me it was. It was in the decision I made that it was going to go well. The "just do it." I felt good about it.
Today I have a call and a meeting with a potential new client. My goal is to rock that meeting.
Challenge 110: Rock my meeting
110 down. 355 to go.
Friday, April 30, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Challenge 109: Clean office
April 29, 2010
I was so tired last night when I came home that I didn't get a chance to describe how cool dinner was. We went to this place in the city called the University Club which is a private club/hotel that has been in the city forever. The building survived the earthquakes and the big fire. It's membership only and feels that way. It feels how I imagine Princeton would feel. A lot of dark wood, a big library with book lined walls and big chairs with straight backs. A reading room and creaky floors. Our friend Ken is a member and treated us to a wonderfully fancy evening. A night that definitely called for Maker's Manhattan. It made me want to go back to school.
Today we woke up to the sound of our downstairs neighbor's alarm. Just a false alarm. But we got up shortly after the four of us (Bucket, Coach, me and Vaughn) cuddled in the bed. I took Coach out for his morning walk and picked some wild flowers on the way. It was a chilly but sunny morning. It reminded me a little bit of winter and I got all excited for the thought that Christmas is (sort or, not really) right around the corner.
Today is a very busy day, starting in about 30 minutes. But before I get too involved in it, I MUST unpack and clean my office so I can have a nice space to coach in today. I know, I know...another clean office challenge. I just have to or else it won't get done...again.
Challenge 109: Clean office
109 down. 256 to go.
I was so tired last night when I came home that I didn't get a chance to describe how cool dinner was. We went to this place in the city called the University Club which is a private club/hotel that has been in the city forever. The building survived the earthquakes and the big fire. It's membership only and feels that way. It feels how I imagine Princeton would feel. A lot of dark wood, a big library with book lined walls and big chairs with straight backs. A reading room and creaky floors. Our friend Ken is a member and treated us to a wonderfully fancy evening. A night that definitely called for Maker's Manhattan. It made me want to go back to school.
Today we woke up to the sound of our downstairs neighbor's alarm. Just a false alarm. But we got up shortly after the four of us (Bucket, Coach, me and Vaughn) cuddled in the bed. I took Coach out for his morning walk and picked some wild flowers on the way. It was a chilly but sunny morning. It reminded me a little bit of winter and I got all excited for the thought that Christmas is (sort or, not really) right around the corner.
Today is a very busy day, starting in about 30 minutes. But before I get too involved in it, I MUST unpack and clean my office so I can have a nice space to coach in today. I know, I know...another clean office challenge. I just have to or else it won't get done...again.
Challenge 109: Clean office
109 down. 256 to go.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Challenge 108: Take care of a couple work emails
April 28, 2010
Today has been an absolute packed day. With no chance for breathing room (except at a most lovely dinner in the city with our good friend Ken). It started out this morning with a few minutes of sitting quietly before jumping into coaching, errands, coaching, work, then straight to the city for dinner, crosswords, emails, now blog. Tomorrow looks about the same.
Yesterday the idea was to try to be present. Inherent in that was realizing how much I'm not present. There were moments where I was so not present, it was like I wasn't even the one living my life. Or rather, I was living a couple lives at once. One in my head, and one in reality. It was kind of weird once I noticed I was doing that. So I viewed it as noticing, then bringing myself back, slipping away, coming back. A process. I did try to really look at things around me to become grounded. Seeing the tree. Seeing the water stains on the tunnel walls. Hearing the sounds of the birds and Bart outside my window. Definitely a work in progress.
There were a lot of things I set out to do today, and I did get them all done. There is only thirty minutes left in my day and I'm not sure what kind of challenge to give myself. I'm still in my clothes from the day. I'm really tired. Ready to plop down in bed. I guess it's kind of cheating trying to give myself a challenge to do in the last thirty minutes of my day. I have to pick something I know I'll do! Oh I know. There are some emails I've been meaning to take care of that I was just going to leave til tomorrow. But since tomorrow is just as busy as today, I'll do it now.
Challenge 108: Take care of a couple work emails
108 down. 257 to go.
Today has been an absolute packed day. With no chance for breathing room (except at a most lovely dinner in the city with our good friend Ken). It started out this morning with a few minutes of sitting quietly before jumping into coaching, errands, coaching, work, then straight to the city for dinner, crosswords, emails, now blog. Tomorrow looks about the same.
Yesterday the idea was to try to be present. Inherent in that was realizing how much I'm not present. There were moments where I was so not present, it was like I wasn't even the one living my life. Or rather, I was living a couple lives at once. One in my head, and one in reality. It was kind of weird once I noticed I was doing that. So I viewed it as noticing, then bringing myself back, slipping away, coming back. A process. I did try to really look at things around me to become grounded. Seeing the tree. Seeing the water stains on the tunnel walls. Hearing the sounds of the birds and Bart outside my window. Definitely a work in progress.
There were a lot of things I set out to do today, and I did get them all done. There is only thirty minutes left in my day and I'm not sure what kind of challenge to give myself. I'm still in my clothes from the day. I'm really tired. Ready to plop down in bed. I guess it's kind of cheating trying to give myself a challenge to do in the last thirty minutes of my day. I have to pick something I know I'll do! Oh I know. There are some emails I've been meaning to take care of that I was just going to leave til tomorrow. But since tomorrow is just as busy as today, I'll do it now.
Challenge 108: Take care of a couple work emails
108 down. 257 to go.
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Challenge 107: Practice being present
April 27, 2010
Lately, I've been working on trying to be present. My tendency is to have non-stop thoughts in my head. My brain is a mega-multi-tasker and is constantly working overtime. I can't remember the last time I wasn't doing something while thinking about or doing a million other things. And it's not serving me. I think too much. I get too overwhelmed. I postulate. And it distracts me from enjoying the journey and the present. In my new book I read that an optimist is someone who looks at the big picture and views current situations and upsets as fleeting and unimportant and a pessimist is someone who thinks that current situations and upsets are how it's going to be forever. I thought, "oh great! I'm a pessimist then!" I have a hard time enjoying the ride. I tend more towards the "it's going to be like this FOREVER...EEEK!" train of thought.
And I've always thought of myself as an optimistic/positive person. Now I'm confused. In the book too, it also talks about how optimism is not necessarily better than pessimism and that each way to be has a place in life and a function of survivability. The idea is to play up your innate strengths, and find a life that uses those strengths, which (they say) leads to lasting fulfillment. The author is a psychologist. Phd and everything. He must know something about something. He's one of the founders of this (pretty) new field of psychology called Positive Psychology. Fascinating.
This morning, Vaughn and I took ten minutes out of the morning to meditate together. All in service of this being present idea. I almost didn't say anything because it sounds funny to me. I've never been a meditator. But it's cool stuff. One thing he mentioned that I thought was really interesting was that you can meditate all day long. It doesn't always have to look like sitting cross-legged on the floor. The idea is to be present in everything you do. So when you're squeezing honey into your tea, squeeze honey into your tea. Notice how the honey container feels in your hand. Notice the weight. The feel of the plastic. This is all new to me, but I ate my breakfast really differently today.
Yesterday I read two chapters in my book. Today I want to practice being present.
Challenge 107: Practice being present
107 down. 258 to go.
Lately, I've been working on trying to be present. My tendency is to have non-stop thoughts in my head. My brain is a mega-multi-tasker and is constantly working overtime. I can't remember the last time I wasn't doing something while thinking about or doing a million other things. And it's not serving me. I think too much. I get too overwhelmed. I postulate. And it distracts me from enjoying the journey and the present. In my new book I read that an optimist is someone who looks at the big picture and views current situations and upsets as fleeting and unimportant and a pessimist is someone who thinks that current situations and upsets are how it's going to be forever. I thought, "oh great! I'm a pessimist then!" I have a hard time enjoying the ride. I tend more towards the "it's going to be like this FOREVER...EEEK!" train of thought.
And I've always thought of myself as an optimistic/positive person. Now I'm confused. In the book too, it also talks about how optimism is not necessarily better than pessimism and that each way to be has a place in life and a function of survivability. The idea is to play up your innate strengths, and find a life that uses those strengths, which (they say) leads to lasting fulfillment. The author is a psychologist. Phd and everything. He must know something about something. He's one of the founders of this (pretty) new field of psychology called Positive Psychology. Fascinating.
This morning, Vaughn and I took ten minutes out of the morning to meditate together. All in service of this being present idea. I almost didn't say anything because it sounds funny to me. I've never been a meditator. But it's cool stuff. One thing he mentioned that I thought was really interesting was that you can meditate all day long. It doesn't always have to look like sitting cross-legged on the floor. The idea is to be present in everything you do. So when you're squeezing honey into your tea, squeeze honey into your tea. Notice how the honey container feels in your hand. Notice the weight. The feel of the plastic. This is all new to me, but I ate my breakfast really differently today.
Yesterday I read two chapters in my book. Today I want to practice being present.
Challenge 107: Practice being present
107 down. 258 to go.
Monday, April 26, 2010
Challenge 106: Read a chapter in the book that's been inspiring me
April 26, 2010
I swear, when I write my blog for the day in my head, it feels like it's turning into the "what I want to do with my life" blog. I don't always write exactly everything on my mind, but I've been realizing that my central theme lately (perhaps for years?) has been just that. I feel like it changes so much and so totally that I never quite know what to trust, and I've grown weary thinking of discussing it. "It's just another one of Sally's crazy ideas," I think you'll say. I spoke with my coach this morning and she used a great metaphor to describe what I've been feeling. I said I kind of feel like I've been gathering puzzle pieces. She said "yeah, and it seems like you have the outline and the edges, but the middle is missing." And that was spot on. Exactly how I feel. I know the elements, what it looks like, what it feels like, but I don't actually know what IT is. It's frustrating. And hard to work towards. And I feel silly for feeling this way.
So I took a long walk with coach and my inquiry for the day is "what is my intuition telling me?" "What is true?" I had a great walk and I picked flowers.
I feel like I've always operated on my intuition. I get really strong reactions both when something feels right and wrong. I tend to try to lean in to that intuition and not look back. But lately, lots of looking back has been happening. What's changed? Are the stakes feeling higher? I'm trying to tap into and trust that place that acts as my guide and not beat myself up when I pass up a "perfectly good opportunity" that just didn't feel quite right. It's been hard.
My coach asked me if I was spiritual. "Not really," I said. She asked who or what I want to turn to to stay grounded. I remembered that in a couple other really hard places in my life I asked the universe to show me my path, guide me in the direction I'm supposed to go. I know it sounds silly, but each time, it led me to the right place. So I did that. I said it out loud.
I'm now off to work.
Challenge 106: Read a chapter in the book that's been inspiring me
106 down. 259 to go.
I swear, when I write my blog for the day in my head, it feels like it's turning into the "what I want to do with my life" blog. I don't always write exactly everything on my mind, but I've been realizing that my central theme lately (perhaps for years?) has been just that. I feel like it changes so much and so totally that I never quite know what to trust, and I've grown weary thinking of discussing it. "It's just another one of Sally's crazy ideas," I think you'll say. I spoke with my coach this morning and she used a great metaphor to describe what I've been feeling. I said I kind of feel like I've been gathering puzzle pieces. She said "yeah, and it seems like you have the outline and the edges, but the middle is missing." And that was spot on. Exactly how I feel. I know the elements, what it looks like, what it feels like, but I don't actually know what IT is. It's frustrating. And hard to work towards. And I feel silly for feeling this way.
So I took a long walk with coach and my inquiry for the day is "what is my intuition telling me?" "What is true?" I had a great walk and I picked flowers.
I feel like I've always operated on my intuition. I get really strong reactions both when something feels right and wrong. I tend to try to lean in to that intuition and not look back. But lately, lots of looking back has been happening. What's changed? Are the stakes feeling higher? I'm trying to tap into and trust that place that acts as my guide and not beat myself up when I pass up a "perfectly good opportunity" that just didn't feel quite right. It's been hard.
My coach asked me if I was spiritual. "Not really," I said. She asked who or what I want to turn to to stay grounded. I remembered that in a couple other really hard places in my life I asked the universe to show me my path, guide me in the direction I'm supposed to go. I know it sounds silly, but each time, it led me to the right place. So I did that. I said it out loud.
I'm now off to work.
Challenge 106: Read a chapter in the book that's been inspiring me
106 down. 259 to go.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Challenge 105: Finish emails and finish work
April 25, 2010
Wow...what a wonderful, loved filled weekend. We got back into town this afternoon. I didn't realize how much I needed to get out of town for a bit. The wedding was just so beautiful and loving and sweet. There is such a great community surrounding the bride and groom and the everyone chipped in in some way. I feel lucky to have been a part of everything.
Vaughn and I had a blast too. Getting to hang with their friend's, partaking in the wedding festivities, and going on a mini trip together.
We got back this afternoon and went straight to the boarding place to pick up Coach. We were all so excited to see each other and he looked like he had a great time there. The house he was staying had four other dogs, and they had just gotten back from the dog park. Then when we got home our neighbors downstairs were BBQ-ing so we hung out for awhile. After that we took a long walk with the puppy to run an errand then see Lily and now we're all back home. Coach is snoring at my feet, Bucket finally showed up (we think he jumped out an open window while we were gone...that cat is nothin but trouble).
I'm happy to be home and I look forward to our movie night tonight.
However, before any of that happens, I have work to do. Tons of emails left unanswered since I didn't have internet this weekend and a couple things to do for work. That's my challenge.
Challenge 105: Finish emails and finish work
105 down. 260 to go.
Wow...what a wonderful, loved filled weekend. We got back into town this afternoon. I didn't realize how much I needed to get out of town for a bit. The wedding was just so beautiful and loving and sweet. There is such a great community surrounding the bride and groom and the everyone chipped in in some way. I feel lucky to have been a part of everything.
Vaughn and I had a blast too. Getting to hang with their friend's, partaking in the wedding festivities, and going on a mini trip together.
We got back this afternoon and went straight to the boarding place to pick up Coach. We were all so excited to see each other and he looked like he had a great time there. The house he was staying had four other dogs, and they had just gotten back from the dog park. Then when we got home our neighbors downstairs were BBQ-ing so we hung out for awhile. After that we took a long walk with the puppy to run an errand then see Lily and now we're all back home. Coach is snoring at my feet, Bucket finally showed up (we think he jumped out an open window while we were gone...that cat is nothin but trouble).
I'm happy to be home and I look forward to our movie night tonight.
However, before any of that happens, I have work to do. Tons of emails left unanswered since I didn't have internet this weekend and a couple things to do for work. That's my challenge.
Challenge 105: Finish emails and finish work
105 down. 260 to go.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
challenge 104: be a good bridesmaid
I can't chat long. Am at trhe hotel with the bride who is getting her hair done. Have a long and wonderfujl day ahead of us. Have been having the best time already. My only goal is to be a good bridesmaid. And good guest. Tytping this on a friends phone. Gotta run.
Challenge 104: be a good bridesmaid
Challenge 104: be a good bridesmaid
Friday, April 23, 2010
Challenge 103: Be at Steph's beck and call
April 23, 2010
Oh Santa Barbara...how I love thee. I can't help but feel like home here. Everything about it I love. The weather, the buildings, the vibe, the memories. I drove by two of my old college houses last night. The nostalgia is high this weekend. We went to my friend E's house and there is just something about waking up here, in her house, in Santa Barbara, that just feels so calming. I can't wait to get back here. I do love the bay area, but it can't hold a torch to trusty ol SB.
Yesterday the challenge was to get packed before 2, which I did. And we were all set to go, right after my call, and I accidentally let the cat out!! ARGHHHHHH. It took us over twenty minutes to lure him close enough to us to snatch him up. THEN, as we were on our way to drop Coach off, I realized I forgot my computer bag. UGHHHHHH. Thanks to me, we left an hour later than we wanted to. Vaughn was kind about it.
The drive was easy and quick. We got in town with some time to kill, so we stopped downtown for some Pinkberry and Photohunt. Two of my favorite things. Then went to E's to catch up, then sleep.
Today is a busy day and I can't wait! Getting my hair done (FINALLYYYYYYYY) and then going to the bride's house for various activities. Today is all about Stephanie.
Challenge 103: Be at Steph's beck and call
103 down. 262 to go.
Oh Santa Barbara...how I love thee. I can't help but feel like home here. Everything about it I love. The weather, the buildings, the vibe, the memories. I drove by two of my old college houses last night. The nostalgia is high this weekend. We went to my friend E's house and there is just something about waking up here, in her house, in Santa Barbara, that just feels so calming. I can't wait to get back here. I do love the bay area, but it can't hold a torch to trusty ol SB.
Yesterday the challenge was to get packed before 2, which I did. And we were all set to go, right after my call, and I accidentally let the cat out!! ARGHHHHHH. It took us over twenty minutes to lure him close enough to us to snatch him up. THEN, as we were on our way to drop Coach off, I realized I forgot my computer bag. UGHHHHHH. Thanks to me, we left an hour later than we wanted to. Vaughn was kind about it.
The drive was easy and quick. We got in town with some time to kill, so we stopped downtown for some Pinkberry and Photohunt. Two of my favorite things. Then went to E's to catch up, then sleep.
Today is a busy day and I can't wait! Getting my hair done (FINALLYYYYYYYY) and then going to the bride's house for various activities. Today is all about Stephanie.
Challenge 103: Be at Steph's beck and call
103 down. 262 to go.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Challenge 102: Be packed by 2
April 22, 2010
I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Just not quite feeling right. Have a bit of a headache etc. I think it'll all burn off by the time I'm finished with my tea. Last night was a late night for me. I stayed up to finish the project I was working on and I'm really happy with how it came out! Just have one last piece to finish today that Vaughn is working on.
Today is a completely packed day. Back to back coaching calls from 10-2, then drop the puppy off at the boarding place, then on our way down south. It's silly, but I'm SOOOO excited to get my hair cut while I'm down there. Pretty ridiculous that I've lived here almost a year, and still haven't tried to find a new hair person. Ann is just the best! I'm also really excited for the wedding and to see my friends. Exciting weekend all around.
Right now I have to shower and prepare for my first call. Then some packing, and then my next call. My goal is to be packed by the time my last call is over so we can just leave right away.
Challenge 102: Be packed by 2
102 down. 263 to go.
I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Just not quite feeling right. Have a bit of a headache etc. I think it'll all burn off by the time I'm finished with my tea. Last night was a late night for me. I stayed up to finish the project I was working on and I'm really happy with how it came out! Just have one last piece to finish today that Vaughn is working on.
Today is a completely packed day. Back to back coaching calls from 10-2, then drop the puppy off at the boarding place, then on our way down south. It's silly, but I'm SOOOO excited to get my hair cut while I'm down there. Pretty ridiculous that I've lived here almost a year, and still haven't tried to find a new hair person. Ann is just the best! I'm also really excited for the wedding and to see my friends. Exciting weekend all around.
Right now I have to shower and prepare for my first call. Then some packing, and then my next call. My goal is to be packed by the time my last call is over so we can just leave right away.
Challenge 102: Be packed by 2
102 down. 263 to go.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Challenge 101: Finish creative project
April 21, 2010
EEK!!! It's almost tomorrow already. Had the busiest day ever. Didn't even have a chance to write until now. And I can't stay long. Today...long story short...coaching ALL day long.
Right now I'm working on a creative project for my friend's wedding that I'm heading to tomorrow (for the weekend). Gotta keep moving.
Challenge 101: Finish creative project
EEK!!! It's almost tomorrow already. Had the busiest day ever. Didn't even have a chance to write until now. And I can't stay long. Today...long story short...coaching ALL day long.
Right now I'm working on a creative project for my friend's wedding that I'm heading to tomorrow (for the weekend). Gotta keep moving.
Challenge 101: Finish creative project
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Challenge 100: Finish CTI puzzle
April 20, 2010
Woo hoo!! Today is day 100 of doing challenges and damn, that feels good. I love the tradition of writing every day, of having to come up with challenges, and see progress. This is fun.
The sound of the rain woke me up this morning. It was nice and cozy. The weather forecast says it should rain all day. I'm kind of looking forward to that. My day consists of various errands (check out the puppy boarding place, to-do list stuff, etc) and then picking up the kids from school.
I realized yesterday that my to-do list wasn't the thing making my chest feel uneasy. It was something else. But once I figured that out, I felt so much better about everything. I was able to do a little to-do list stuff.
Today, I must make a serious dent and finish a puzzle for CTI (my school).
I've been thinking about weddings lately. My good friend is getting married on Saturday, and we have three other weddings to go to this year. Is there something in the water? Is it just that age when people start doing that in mass? Season of love? It's really fun to see how each couple's personality is reflected in the kind of wedding they are having. Some big, some small, some quirky, some traditional. At the end of the day, it's a celebration of that couple's commitment to each other, and a public display of their union. It's like saying, "World...here we are, married, for everyone to see!" Marriage is a big deal.
The 12 year old girl I nanny asked me yesterday, out of the blue, if I wanted kids and wanted to get married. It occurred to me that girls think about this stuff from pretty early on. I wonder if it ever crosses a young boy's mind? This kind of stuff is why I love Sociology.
Challenge 100: Finish CTI puzzle
100 down. 265 to go.
Woo hoo!! Today is day 100 of doing challenges and damn, that feels good. I love the tradition of writing every day, of having to come up with challenges, and see progress. This is fun.
The sound of the rain woke me up this morning. It was nice and cozy. The weather forecast says it should rain all day. I'm kind of looking forward to that. My day consists of various errands (check out the puppy boarding place, to-do list stuff, etc) and then picking up the kids from school.
I realized yesterday that my to-do list wasn't the thing making my chest feel uneasy. It was something else. But once I figured that out, I felt so much better about everything. I was able to do a little to-do list stuff.
Today, I must make a serious dent and finish a puzzle for CTI (my school).
I've been thinking about weddings lately. My good friend is getting married on Saturday, and we have three other weddings to go to this year. Is there something in the water? Is it just that age when people start doing that in mass? Season of love? It's really fun to see how each couple's personality is reflected in the kind of wedding they are having. Some big, some small, some quirky, some traditional. At the end of the day, it's a celebration of that couple's commitment to each other, and a public display of their union. It's like saying, "World...here we are, married, for everyone to see!" Marriage is a big deal.
The 12 year old girl I nanny asked me yesterday, out of the blue, if I wanted kids and wanted to get married. It occurred to me that girls think about this stuff from pretty early on. I wonder if it ever crosses a young boy's mind? This kind of stuff is why I love Sociology.
Challenge 100: Finish CTI puzzle
100 down. 265 to go.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Challenge 99: Organize to-do list and DO some of it
April 19, 2010
I've had a lot on my mind lately. Mostly surrounding money and work such (what else is new?). I feel like I'm at a crossroads and I'm not really sure what to do about it. It's kept me up at night and woke me up early this morning. That and Bucket meowing his little head off all morning long. We're getting pretty good at ignoring him.
Last night was my gig with Jamie and the boys and it was a lot of fun. It was great to see everyone (Ken...that means YOU!)
I feel like I have a lot to do this week before we head down south for my friend's wedding. My to-do list is still pretty long and I think in order to feel good about it all, I need to organize it, so I know exactly what needs to get done and by when, and then map out my days.
I have an uneasy feeling in my chest today. I hope that goes away.
Challenge 99: Organize to-do list and DO some of it
99 down. 266 to go.
I've had a lot on my mind lately. Mostly surrounding money and work such (what else is new?). I feel like I'm at a crossroads and I'm not really sure what to do about it. It's kept me up at night and woke me up early this morning. That and Bucket meowing his little head off all morning long. We're getting pretty good at ignoring him.
Last night was my gig with Jamie and the boys and it was a lot of fun. It was great to see everyone (Ken...that means YOU!)
I feel like I have a lot to do this week before we head down south for my friend's wedding. My to-do list is still pretty long and I think in order to feel good about it all, I need to organize it, so I know exactly what needs to get done and by when, and then map out my days.
I have an uneasy feeling in my chest today. I hope that goes away.
Challenge 99: Organize to-do list and DO some of it
99 down. 266 to go.
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Challenge 98: Practice bass
April 18, 2010
Yesterday was a blast. My good friends Sara and Rich came out from the city for a visit and wine tasting. We laughed, we drank wine, we ate peanuts and caught up. Phoenix was an absolute dream to watch too. Best baby ever. After her work, Lily came over and we all hung out for awhile. Earlier in the day, determined to get my to-do list handled, I ran some errands with Phoenix, but when night fell, I realized I still had one more thing to do. Even though I REALLY didn't want to or feel like it, I did it. Hooray! Challenge was successful.
Today is a bit of a foggy morning. Probably because of all the wine from yesterday. I have to work today, then I have a show tonight in the city. MUST PRACTICE BASS BEFORE THEN!
I've gotta make this one short to make sure the puppy gets out before I leave for work.
Challenge 98: Practice bass
98 down. 267 to go.
Yesterday was a blast. My good friends Sara and Rich came out from the city for a visit and wine tasting. We laughed, we drank wine, we ate peanuts and caught up. Phoenix was an absolute dream to watch too. Best baby ever. After her work, Lily came over and we all hung out for awhile. Earlier in the day, determined to get my to-do list handled, I ran some errands with Phoenix, but when night fell, I realized I still had one more thing to do. Even though I REALLY didn't want to or feel like it, I did it. Hooray! Challenge was successful.
Today is a bit of a foggy morning. Probably because of all the wine from yesterday. I have to work today, then I have a show tonight in the city. MUST PRACTICE BASS BEFORE THEN!
I've gotta make this one short to make sure the puppy gets out before I leave for work.
Challenge 98: Practice bass
98 down. 267 to go.
Saturday, April 17, 2010
Challenge 97: Tackle three to-do list items
April 17, 2010
First thing first...the kitchen got done yesterday. Dishes washed, counters cleaned, plants watered, floors mopped. That felt good. And it feels good to wake up to a clean house. It might even stay that way for a day or so.
My lazy Saturday morning wasn't quite that. We woke up around 4am, and I couldn't go back to sleep for about an hour. Then, Vaughn had to wake up at 6, and of course the puppy had to come hang out on the bed. I was able to go back to sleep for awhile, but then I got three text messages and a phone call all before 9am, one from my boss asking if I could come unlock his door because he locked himself out. It's ok though. I like to be up early. So I saddled up the puppy, and headed out on a walk to my bosses house.
Today I have Phoenix and my friends are coming over for $1 wine tasting at the wine shop around the corner from me. Generally babysitting and wine tasting don't go hand in hand, but Phoenix is familiar to this tradition. I also feel like I have a lot to get done on my to-do list. Including practicing bass for our show tomorrow, submitting my homework for last week's learnings, and finding a bridesmaid dress for my friend's wedding next week (among other things). Yikers! I don't know how I'm going to do it all, but I want my challenge to be to do those three things (at least look for the dress...if I can't find one, then I'll just keep looking).
Happy Saturday everyone!
Challenge 97: Tackle three to-do list items
97 down. 268 to go.
First thing first...the kitchen got done yesterday. Dishes washed, counters cleaned, plants watered, floors mopped. That felt good. And it feels good to wake up to a clean house. It might even stay that way for a day or so.
My lazy Saturday morning wasn't quite that. We woke up around 4am, and I couldn't go back to sleep for about an hour. Then, Vaughn had to wake up at 6, and of course the puppy had to come hang out on the bed. I was able to go back to sleep for awhile, but then I got three text messages and a phone call all before 9am, one from my boss asking if I could come unlock his door because he locked himself out. It's ok though. I like to be up early. So I saddled up the puppy, and headed out on a walk to my bosses house.
Today I have Phoenix and my friends are coming over for $1 wine tasting at the wine shop around the corner from me. Generally babysitting and wine tasting don't go hand in hand, but Phoenix is familiar to this tradition. I also feel like I have a lot to get done on my to-do list. Including practicing bass for our show tomorrow, submitting my homework for last week's learnings, and finding a bridesmaid dress for my friend's wedding next week (among other things). Yikers! I don't know how I'm going to do it all, but I want my challenge to be to do those three things (at least look for the dress...if I can't find one, then I'll just keep looking).
Happy Saturday everyone!
Challenge 97: Tackle three to-do list items
97 down. 268 to go.
Friday, April 16, 2010
Challenge 96: Clean the kitchen
April 16, 2010
I'm finding myself procrastinating writing this and I'm not sure why. Hmmmm.
It's a gorgeous day here in beautiful Oakland. I took the dog out for a long walk/dog park adventure this morning. Despite the fact that him and Bucket were the absolute worst pets in the world this morning, he was amazing on his walk and at the park. That dog gets so much attention, anywhere he goes.
My challenge yesterday was to make a poster, and although I didn't get it done yesterday, I did it today. It's pretty daunting looking up the tube to realize how far I have to go before I can get to Leadership. But that's not going to stop me. I have until October.
I don't have "work" until around 5 tonight, but I do have a bunch of errands to run, etc. Not sure what I want my challenge to be. Maybe that's why I'm procrastinating writing this. I just thought of something. The kitchen is an absolute disaster. Cleaning it is what I want to do (well...not WANT to do).
Challenge 96: Clean the kitchen
96 down. 269 to go
I'm finding myself procrastinating writing this and I'm not sure why. Hmmmm.
It's a gorgeous day here in beautiful Oakland. I took the dog out for a long walk/dog park adventure this morning. Despite the fact that him and Bucket were the absolute worst pets in the world this morning, he was amazing on his walk and at the park. That dog gets so much attention, anywhere he goes.
My challenge yesterday was to make a poster, and although I didn't get it done yesterday, I did it today. It's pretty daunting looking up the tube to realize how far I have to go before I can get to Leadership. But that's not going to stop me. I have until October.
I don't have "work" until around 5 tonight, but I do have a bunch of errands to run, etc. Not sure what I want my challenge to be. Maybe that's why I'm procrastinating writing this. I just thought of something. The kitchen is an absolute disaster. Cleaning it is what I want to do (well...not WANT to do).
Challenge 96: Clean the kitchen
96 down. 269 to go
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Challenge 95: Leadership money goals poster
April 15, 2010
It's already almost four and the day has been packed up to this point. Business and work emails, clients upon clients, dog, etc. Today isn't the most relaxed day ever, but I'm glad I'm busy. Right now I'm kind of just wiped out and feeling kind of fuzzy. Nothing that an episode of Sons of Anarchy (before work) can't fix. Me and the puppy just got back from a walk and I'm glad I got outside. It's really beautiful here.
Yesterday, the challenge was to get my coaching materials organized and I did it! I feel like it's an ongoing project. By starting it, I realized there is more to do, which is good because now I know.
Not a whole lot of new stuff to report. Today I want to create this poster marking my money goals for this leadership program I want to do. Like in grade school when you have a bake sale trying to raise money for something and you color in the little thingy until it reaches the goal. I want one of those.
Challenge 95: Leadership money goals poster
95 down. 270 to go.
It's already almost four and the day has been packed up to this point. Business and work emails, clients upon clients, dog, etc. Today isn't the most relaxed day ever, but I'm glad I'm busy. Right now I'm kind of just wiped out and feeling kind of fuzzy. Nothing that an episode of Sons of Anarchy (before work) can't fix. Me and the puppy just got back from a walk and I'm glad I got outside. It's really beautiful here.
Yesterday, the challenge was to get my coaching materials organized and I did it! I feel like it's an ongoing project. By starting it, I realized there is more to do, which is good because now I know.
Not a whole lot of new stuff to report. Today I want to create this poster marking my money goals for this leadership program I want to do. Like in grade school when you have a bake sale trying to raise money for something and you color in the little thingy until it reaches the goal. I want one of those.
Challenge 95: Leadership money goals poster
95 down. 270 to go.
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Challenge 94: Organize coaching materials
April 14, 2010
This morning doesn't feel like a spring morning to me. Maybe fall. It's sunny but not bright, with a breeze. The puppy was up on the bed with us earlier than usual, but it was mostly quiet in the house since Bucket spent the night outside. I had a morning that, in our house, we call a "slow take off morning." I originally had to work for my boss early, but he texted and said it wasn't going to work out. So I have three extra hours that I didn't think I was going to have. What to do?
Yesterday the challenge was to get all my homework done. The good news is that I did it, but the bad news is that I had to cancel my plans to get it done. I got called in to work, so my homework time was spent at work. I feel good that I stayed on the hook with it. In addition to my homework, I listened to some informational calls about the topic I'm studying in certification right now and I read out of my coaching book. All around, I feel great about all that.
Today, today. It's mostly going to be filled with coaching. I have my certification call at 1 and then another certification supervision call at 4. That latter is basically when a master coach gets on the phone with me and we listen to and go over a recorded session between me and a client. I'm really looking forward to this. The last call I had with this supervisor I learned a lot.
So my challenge today is going to be around getting organized with my coaching materials. I have a new system of keeping track of clients, so I just need to set that up.
Challenge 94: Organize coaching materials
94 down. 271 to go.
This morning doesn't feel like a spring morning to me. Maybe fall. It's sunny but not bright, with a breeze. The puppy was up on the bed with us earlier than usual, but it was mostly quiet in the house since Bucket spent the night outside. I had a morning that, in our house, we call a "slow take off morning." I originally had to work for my boss early, but he texted and said it wasn't going to work out. So I have three extra hours that I didn't think I was going to have. What to do?
Yesterday the challenge was to get all my homework done. The good news is that I did it, but the bad news is that I had to cancel my plans to get it done. I got called in to work, so my homework time was spent at work. I feel good that I stayed on the hook with it. In addition to my homework, I listened to some informational calls about the topic I'm studying in certification right now and I read out of my coaching book. All around, I feel great about all that.
Today, today. It's mostly going to be filled with coaching. I have my certification call at 1 and then another certification supervision call at 4. That latter is basically when a master coach gets on the phone with me and we listen to and go over a recorded session between me and a client. I'm really looking forward to this. The last call I had with this supervisor I learned a lot.
So my challenge today is going to be around getting organized with my coaching materials. I have a new system of keeping track of clients, so I just need to set that up.
Challenge 94: Organize coaching materials
94 down. 271 to go.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Challenge 93: Finish Homework
April 13, 2010
Yesterday already feels like so long ago. The day was filled and I got a lot done. For a challenge check...I worked on both crosswords I wanted to AND started a third one. Double score. I also went to band practice in the city, which was a lot of fun. Man...that bass is HEAVY! I haven't been playing much, so I can barely get through a set without my left hand going numb. Geez...I gotta get back in bass playing shape. We have our show on Sunday, so that gives me enough time to work on it.
I had two coaching calls yesterday. Both were me getting coached. We came up with some fun ideas on how to raise money for the leadership program I want to take. They are still in the brainstorming stage, but I feel like it's almost time for those ideas to see the light of day. I will keep you all posted.
Today is kind of a weird day. I know I have work to do, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. My boss is back from vacation and we're trying to come up with things for me to do to make up for the hours missed when he was gone. It's kind of hard to plan my day without knowing what those things are/what they will entail (for example...will I need the car? can Vaughn take it? Can I make evening plans? etc) What I do know is that I have a coaching call at 11 and some puzzles to work on. OH! And I have homework for my pod call tomorrow. Hmmmmmm...maybe that should be my challenge.
The house is quiet. I can hear the sound of cars on the freeway, and Bucket cleaning himself in my office. Every once in awhile Bart passes by. The day is still and full of possibilities.
Challenge 93: Finish my homework
93 down. 272 to go.
Yesterday already feels like so long ago. The day was filled and I got a lot done. For a challenge check...I worked on both crosswords I wanted to AND started a third one. Double score. I also went to band practice in the city, which was a lot of fun. Man...that bass is HEAVY! I haven't been playing much, so I can barely get through a set without my left hand going numb. Geez...I gotta get back in bass playing shape. We have our show on Sunday, so that gives me enough time to work on it.
I had two coaching calls yesterday. Both were me getting coached. We came up with some fun ideas on how to raise money for the leadership program I want to take. They are still in the brainstorming stage, but I feel like it's almost time for those ideas to see the light of day. I will keep you all posted.
Today is kind of a weird day. I know I have work to do, but I'm not exactly sure what it is. My boss is back from vacation and we're trying to come up with things for me to do to make up for the hours missed when he was gone. It's kind of hard to plan my day without knowing what those things are/what they will entail (for example...will I need the car? can Vaughn take it? Can I make evening plans? etc) What I do know is that I have a coaching call at 11 and some puzzles to work on. OH! And I have homework for my pod call tomorrow. Hmmmmmm...maybe that should be my challenge.
The house is quiet. I can hear the sound of cars on the freeway, and Bucket cleaning himself in my office. Every once in awhile Bart passes by. The day is still and full of possibilities.
Challenge 93: Finish my homework
93 down. 272 to go.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Challenge 92: Crosswords
April 12, 2010
I still feel a bit school hungover from the weekend. Three days in a row waking up at 6am kind of disoriented me for this morning. I woke up while it was still dark, but ultimately got out of bed around 8:30. It's rainy outside. Gray skies and kind of misty. I just got back from taking Coach out for a walk. I've been so busy this week that I haven't had much time to spend with him, so it's nice to get back in the groove.
My challenge last night was to lock in the learning and I was able to take time to really think about this weekend and what I learned.
I haven't checked my emails so I'm not sure what today will be like. I know I have two coaching calls and band practice tonight. I have a feeling there will be lots of stuff to fill in those time gaps. I'm sort of procrastinating on checking email. Back to life.
This weekend some opportunities came up for me to be involved with my school. One being writing a crossword puzzle for their newsletter. Another was write a puzzle for one of the instructors. I want to finish the latter and try to get started on the former.
Challenge 92: Crosswords
92 down. 273 to go.
I still feel a bit school hungover from the weekend. Three days in a row waking up at 6am kind of disoriented me for this morning. I woke up while it was still dark, but ultimately got out of bed around 8:30. It's rainy outside. Gray skies and kind of misty. I just got back from taking Coach out for a walk. I've been so busy this week that I haven't had much time to spend with him, so it's nice to get back in the groove.
My challenge last night was to lock in the learning and I was able to take time to really think about this weekend and what I learned.
I haven't checked my emails so I'm not sure what today will be like. I know I have two coaching calls and band practice tonight. I have a feeling there will be lots of stuff to fill in those time gaps. I'm sort of procrastinating on checking email. Back to life.
This weekend some opportunities came up for me to be involved with my school. One being writing a crossword puzzle for their newsletter. Another was write a puzzle for one of the instructors. I want to finish the latter and try to get started on the former.
Challenge 92: Crosswords
92 down. 273 to go.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Challenge 91: Lock in the Learning
April 12, 2010
Another completely filled and wonderful weekend at school. I'm writing later tonight because I couldn't get a post in before I had to leave at 7:30 this mornings (YIKES!). I always come off of these school weekends feeling completely inspired and overwhelmed and exhausted. It's just so good for me. I love it.
I, unfortunately, don't have a whole lot of capacity to say interesting things in here as my brain feels like mush after 27 straight hours of school, but I will say that I still love coaching and I had a great weekend.
Right now the puppy is at my feet. I'm perfectly full from dinner. I have some great netflix on hand. And I'm feeling good. Tonight I just want to focus on locking in the learning from this weekend.
Til tomorrow...
Challenge 91: Lock in the learning
91 down. 274 to go.
Another completely filled and wonderful weekend at school. I'm writing later tonight because I couldn't get a post in before I had to leave at 7:30 this mornings (YIKES!). I always come off of these school weekends feeling completely inspired and overwhelmed and exhausted. It's just so good for me. I love it.
I, unfortunately, don't have a whole lot of capacity to say interesting things in here as my brain feels like mush after 27 straight hours of school, but I will say that I still love coaching and I had a great weekend.
Right now the puppy is at my feet. I'm perfectly full from dinner. I have some great netflix on hand. And I'm feeling good. Tonight I just want to focus on locking in the learning from this weekend.
Til tomorrow...
Challenge 91: Lock in the learning
91 down. 274 to go.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Challenge 90: Be healthy!
April 10, 2010
Another early morning here. But at least the sun was starting to rise by the time I had to get up. This morning feels more relaxed than yesterday. Must be that extra 20 minutes I have.
Yesterday was not wonderful in the same way that my last assisting gig was, but it was wonderful in other ways. It's just great to be back at my school, learning about coaching and getting the inside scoop from the course leaders. I was slightly disappointed that it didn't feel the same as the time before, but I was able to keep an open mind and find all the positives.
I don't have too much time to write since I have to get going here, but today I want to focus on health. When I'm out to lunch I want make sure I eat the healthy option and when I come home tonight, make a healthy meal, no matter how tired I am from the day.
Challenge 90: Be healthy!
90 down. 375 to go.
Another early morning here. But at least the sun was starting to rise by the time I had to get up. This morning feels more relaxed than yesterday. Must be that extra 20 minutes I have.
Yesterday was not wonderful in the same way that my last assisting gig was, but it was wonderful in other ways. It's just great to be back at my school, learning about coaching and getting the inside scoop from the course leaders. I was slightly disappointed that it didn't feel the same as the time before, but I was able to keep an open mind and find all the positives.
I don't have too much time to write since I have to get going here, but today I want to focus on health. When I'm out to lunch I want make sure I eat the healthy option and when I come home tonight, make a healthy meal, no matter how tired I am from the day.
Challenge 90: Be healthy!
90 down. 375 to go.
Friday, April 9, 2010
Challenge 89: Be open to whatever happens today
April 9, 2010
Mega-early morning here at the household. My alarm went off while it was still dark, and Bucket was meowing a few before then. It's another very long school weekend for me. I'm assisting another course 9-5 Friday through Sunday. The last time I assisted I was so excited and inspired coming off the weekend, that I can't imagine how this one can possibly live up to that, but I'm trying not to think that way and I'm trying to be open to whatever shows up for me this time around.
Yesterday was a good and full day but I was just so exhausted by the end. Actually, I started out exhausted, don't know why. I have to admit that I didn't do my creative project. It just sort of fell by the wayside after all my calls and some hangtime with Lily and a puzzle I had to write. It will get done though.
I have to leave here in a minute and head out to San Rafael for school. I'm excited for whatever this weekend might have in store for me.
Challenge 89: Be open to whatever happens today
89 down. 276 to go
Mega-early morning here at the household. My alarm went off while it was still dark, and Bucket was meowing a few before then. It's another very long school weekend for me. I'm assisting another course 9-5 Friday through Sunday. The last time I assisted I was so excited and inspired coming off the weekend, that I can't imagine how this one can possibly live up to that, but I'm trying not to think that way and I'm trying to be open to whatever shows up for me this time around.
Yesterday was a good and full day but I was just so exhausted by the end. Actually, I started out exhausted, don't know why. I have to admit that I didn't do my creative project. It just sort of fell by the wayside after all my calls and some hangtime with Lily and a puzzle I had to write. It will get done though.
I have to leave here in a minute and head out to San Rafael for school. I'm excited for whatever this weekend might have in store for me.
Challenge 89: Be open to whatever happens today
89 down. 276 to go
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Challenge 88: Get creative
April 8, 2010
It feels much later than it is. It's only 11 and I could have sworn it was well after noon. I already had one coaching call today and I have four more to come. I love Thursdays. It's exhilarating and scary all at the same time. This morning was another three in the bed. It's becoming a routine. The puppy will come in around 7:45, be seated patiently at the side of the bed waiting for me to invite him up, I do, then we all go back to sleep for another hour. Today the puppy went back to sleep so deeply he was snoring and shaking from dreams. I'm loving this. The only thing that really has to change is that I have to wash my bedding more frequently, which is no skin off my back.
Yesterday was a full day off coaching and music. I had my certification call, my new client, and then practice with the band at night. It was all fun. My challenge was to really prepare for my call with my new client and I definitely feel like I did that. I'm honing my intake packet and it's starting to feel good.
Today I have some calls and then some errands. I've been wanting to get creative around this vision I have, and I just haven't done it yet, so I want to put that for my challenge today.
Challenge 88: Get creative
88 down. 277 to go.
It feels much later than it is. It's only 11 and I could have sworn it was well after noon. I already had one coaching call today and I have four more to come. I love Thursdays. It's exhilarating and scary all at the same time. This morning was another three in the bed. It's becoming a routine. The puppy will come in around 7:45, be seated patiently at the side of the bed waiting for me to invite him up, I do, then we all go back to sleep for another hour. Today the puppy went back to sleep so deeply he was snoring and shaking from dreams. I'm loving this. The only thing that really has to change is that I have to wash my bedding more frequently, which is no skin off my back.
Yesterday was a full day off coaching and music. I had my certification call, my new client, and then practice with the band at night. It was all fun. My challenge was to really prepare for my call with my new client and I definitely feel like I did that. I'm honing my intake packet and it's starting to feel good.
Today I have some calls and then some errands. I've been wanting to get creative around this vision I have, and I just haven't done it yet, so I want to put that for my challenge today.
Challenge 88: Get creative
88 down. 277 to go.
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Challenge 87: REALLY prepare for my call today
April 7, 2010
Twas another morning with three in the bed. And a night for that matter. Both Vaughn and the dog are getting comfortable having the dog on the bed, and I fear all my rules and boundaries are thrown out the window. I think they were a false sense of security anyway! It's so funny. I've never been a dog person, was never planning on being a dog person, never thought I would be a dog person, but yet am finding such joy with this big goofy dog in my life. Who would have ever thought I'd let that big, furry, dirty dog on my nice frilly white bedding!?!?! Not me..that's for sure. I think Lily said it best the other night when we were over at her house making dinner together and Coach had his face in everything she was doing. She said "I don't know how Sally puts up with this!" Then "I guess it's because she loves you." And it's true. I let so many of my OCD tendencies slide when he's around just because I love him. Good thing to keep in mind with people too. Hmmmmm....
So yesterday I got a lot done. I took myself to Peet's coffee to get some research and brainstorming done about raising money for leadership training. I love how a change of scenery really helps me get creative. I used to do that in college...go to a book store or coffee shop to get my studying and work done, and now I remember why. There's a certain amount of focus I have when I'm in a specific place to get something done. The change of scenery frees up my mind for new creative information, and I love the people watching. I was so much more productive than just sitting in my office. And I came up with some really fun ideas!
I also made the time yesterday for some studying and hanging out with my good friend Nick. We had dinner together at Burma Superstar (my FAV!) and then a drink at my janky neighborhood bar, then came home and read. Perfect Sally evening.
Today I have my certification pod call and a foundations session with my new client then band practice. I also have some errands to run and homework to do before all that, so after this post I'll be out the door.
Challenge 87: REALLY prepare for my call today
87 down. 278 to go.
Twas another morning with three in the bed. And a night for that matter. Both Vaughn and the dog are getting comfortable having the dog on the bed, and I fear all my rules and boundaries are thrown out the window. I think they were a false sense of security anyway! It's so funny. I've never been a dog person, was never planning on being a dog person, never thought I would be a dog person, but yet am finding such joy with this big goofy dog in my life. Who would have ever thought I'd let that big, furry, dirty dog on my nice frilly white bedding!?!?! Not me..that's for sure. I think Lily said it best the other night when we were over at her house making dinner together and Coach had his face in everything she was doing. She said "I don't know how Sally puts up with this!" Then "I guess it's because she loves you." And it's true. I let so many of my OCD tendencies slide when he's around just because I love him. Good thing to keep in mind with people too. Hmmmmm....
So yesterday I got a lot done. I took myself to Peet's coffee to get some research and brainstorming done about raising money for leadership training. I love how a change of scenery really helps me get creative. I used to do that in college...go to a book store or coffee shop to get my studying and work done, and now I remember why. There's a certain amount of focus I have when I'm in a specific place to get something done. The change of scenery frees up my mind for new creative information, and I love the people watching. I was so much more productive than just sitting in my office. And I came up with some really fun ideas!
I also made the time yesterday for some studying and hanging out with my good friend Nick. We had dinner together at Burma Superstar (my FAV!) and then a drink at my janky neighborhood bar, then came home and read. Perfect Sally evening.
Today I have my certification pod call and a foundations session with my new client then band practice. I also have some errands to run and homework to do before all that, so after this post I'll be out the door.
Challenge 87: REALLY prepare for my call today
87 down. 278 to go.
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Challenge 86: Funding for leadership
April 6, 2010
So I learned another important lesson yesterday. That when you do finally get around to taking care of whatever it is you've been putting off, that it usually isn't as bad as you thought. All signs point to taking care of it right away. So I did complete my challenge for yesterday, right after I finished writing this.
Yesterday was a relaxed day of studying and learning and taking the dog out. Having time makes me feel like I should always be doing something, and I tried to fill it yesterday with coaching and dog. I have also been searching for grants/loans/fundraiser type things to figure out how to get to that leadership program I was talking about yesterday. Any ideas?
Today started off with three in the bed. Yes...that's right. Me, Vaughn, and the dog. It was the first time that both boys were in the bed together and it was lovely. The three of us cuddling for a bit before we got up. I swear, having a warm, cuddly puppy in the bed makes the chewed up couch pillows worth it....almost. :-)
Today is another day filled with time since I don't have to go to work. Other than a couple coaching calls and dinner with a good friend, I don't have anything on the books. I want to make sure I utilize the time and really get what I can out of it. I think today I want to focus on funding for leadership, getting creative with it, see what's out there.
Challenge 86: Funding for Leadership
86 down. 279 to go.
So I learned another important lesson yesterday. That when you do finally get around to taking care of whatever it is you've been putting off, that it usually isn't as bad as you thought. All signs point to taking care of it right away. So I did complete my challenge for yesterday, right after I finished writing this.
Yesterday was a relaxed day of studying and learning and taking the dog out. Having time makes me feel like I should always be doing something, and I tried to fill it yesterday with coaching and dog. I have also been searching for grants/loans/fundraiser type things to figure out how to get to that leadership program I was talking about yesterday. Any ideas?
Today started off with three in the bed. Yes...that's right. Me, Vaughn, and the dog. It was the first time that both boys were in the bed together and it was lovely. The three of us cuddling for a bit before we got up. I swear, having a warm, cuddly puppy in the bed makes the chewed up couch pillows worth it....almost. :-)
Today is another day filled with time since I don't have to go to work. Other than a couple coaching calls and dinner with a good friend, I don't have anything on the books. I want to make sure I utilize the time and really get what I can out of it. I think today I want to focus on funding for leadership, getting creative with it, see what's out there.
Challenge 86: Funding for Leadership
86 down. 279 to go.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Chalenge 85: Handle that thing
April 5, 2010
I re-learned an important lesson today. One that we all know already. I learned that it's much better to take care of things as they come up, instead of ignoring them and letting them build. I'm frustrated with myself for not taking care of this thing earlier, and now I'm having to back track and figure it all out. And I thought by ignoring it...it would just disappear. :-)
I guess the learning here is really important.
My morning has been spent on coaching matters. I attended a webinar on this leadership program I've been wanting to take. Not only would I get leadership training, but it is a pre-requisite if I ever wanted to become a CTI (the coaching school I go to) leader/teacher (which I've been considering). So I attended the webinar, and then talked to a leadership specialist who is going to send me some information. This feels like the next big step for me. Then, I had a call with my coach.
My boss is out of town this week so I don't have to go to work, which is both exciting and not. I could use the work, but not going to work is always more fun than going to work! I'm going to use this time working on my coaching stuff (materials, studying, etc) and taking care of some of those loose ends I mentioned earlier. UGH!
Challenge 85: Handle that thing
85 down. 280 to go
I re-learned an important lesson today. One that we all know already. I learned that it's much better to take care of things as they come up, instead of ignoring them and letting them build. I'm frustrated with myself for not taking care of this thing earlier, and now I'm having to back track and figure it all out. And I thought by ignoring it...it would just disappear. :-)
I guess the learning here is really important.
My morning has been spent on coaching matters. I attended a webinar on this leadership program I've been wanting to take. Not only would I get leadership training, but it is a pre-requisite if I ever wanted to become a CTI (the coaching school I go to) leader/teacher (which I've been considering). So I attended the webinar, and then talked to a leadership specialist who is going to send me some information. This feels like the next big step for me. Then, I had a call with my coach.
My boss is out of town this week so I don't have to go to work, which is both exciting and not. I could use the work, but not going to work is always more fun than going to work! I'm going to use this time working on my coaching stuff (materials, studying, etc) and taking care of some of those loose ends I mentioned earlier. UGH!
Challenge 85: Handle that thing
85 down. 280 to go
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Challenge 84: Listen to at least one Open Topic Call
April 4, 2010
In my house, growing up, the appropriate thing to say on this holiday (and every other one for that matter) is "Happy Easter Egg!" It's said with excitement and is usually the first thing spoken upon entering the house. I woke up with that message on my Facebook and a phone call (later) from my mom. Traditions are warm and fuzzy. A reminder that you've been you for a long time, and that some things stay constant. So HAPPY EASTER EGG everyone.
The pets were out of control this morning. Seriously. Waking up, meowing, playing while it was still dark. I could only ignore them for so long before I felt guilty that the noise from their feet might be waking up our downstairs neighbors. I got up, let them out, and went back to sleep for a few.
This morning I took Coach out sorta first thing. I hadn't done a morning walk with him for a few days and decided to take a different path than I'm used to. I turned left instead of right and saw lots of new houses and yards to ogle. Generally, I like going the way I'm used to, I like knowing exactly how much time it is going to take me to do something, so I generally opt for the Bushrod loop (exactly 37 minutes), but figured that since I didn't have any real plans today, I could go crazy and try something new. I'm glad I did it...although I enjoy the Bushrod loop more (better houses and yards to fantasize about having).
My biggest challenge for today was to finish the foundations packet for my new client. I've sort of been putting it off since Friday, and although I worked on it yesterday, it still wasn't finished. Well...it's finished now and sent off. That was going to be my challenge, so I'll come up with a new one.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about my time and how much it is worth. The number seems to be growing.
Challenge 84: Listen to at least one Open Topic Call
84 down. 281 to go.
In my house, growing up, the appropriate thing to say on this holiday (and every other one for that matter) is "Happy Easter Egg!" It's said with excitement and is usually the first thing spoken upon entering the house. I woke up with that message on my Facebook and a phone call (later) from my mom. Traditions are warm and fuzzy. A reminder that you've been you for a long time, and that some things stay constant. So HAPPY EASTER EGG everyone.
The pets were out of control this morning. Seriously. Waking up, meowing, playing while it was still dark. I could only ignore them for so long before I felt guilty that the noise from their feet might be waking up our downstairs neighbors. I got up, let them out, and went back to sleep for a few.
This morning I took Coach out sorta first thing. I hadn't done a morning walk with him for a few days and decided to take a different path than I'm used to. I turned left instead of right and saw lots of new houses and yards to ogle. Generally, I like going the way I'm used to, I like knowing exactly how much time it is going to take me to do something, so I generally opt for the Bushrod loop (exactly 37 minutes), but figured that since I didn't have any real plans today, I could go crazy and try something new. I'm glad I did it...although I enjoy the Bushrod loop more (better houses and yards to fantasize about having).
My biggest challenge for today was to finish the foundations packet for my new client. I've sort of been putting it off since Friday, and although I worked on it yesterday, it still wasn't finished. Well...it's finished now and sent off. That was going to be my challenge, so I'll come up with a new one.
Lately I've been thinking a lot about my time and how much it is worth. The number seems to be growing.
Challenge 84: Listen to at least one Open Topic Call
84 down. 281 to go.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Challenge 83: Work on welcome packet
April 3, 2010
Oh Saturday Saturday. Even though I could sleep in, I only barely did. 9 ish. Vaughn got up before me, which allowed me to sneak a cuddle in with the dog before I got out of bed. Shhhhhhh...don't tell. I underestimated my daytime time frame yesterday, so I didn't have a chance to finish my puzzle, but I did it first thing this morning, so it is done. Also...first thing this morning, I realized that the computer that came back to me "fixed" was in fact, not fixed. So I'm still dealing with that which isn't that fun, but I have a great guy I've been talking to on the phone about it. I'm confident it will all work out.
Today is all about Phoenix. Lily's daughter. I'm babysitting her all day. Right now she's napping. Before that we ate strawberries and played outside. I'm thinking we'll hit up a park when she wakes up. It's quiet in the house, which is funny since the whole family is here, plus a baby. I'm grateful that the pets aren't trying to play right now.
I was hoping to get some coaching work done today to prepare for my new client, but I'm just not sure if it's in the cards since I have baby. I'm going to try.
Challenge 83: Work on welcome packet
83 down. 282 to go.
Oh Saturday Saturday. Even though I could sleep in, I only barely did. 9 ish. Vaughn got up before me, which allowed me to sneak a cuddle in with the dog before I got out of bed. Shhhhhhh...don't tell. I underestimated my daytime time frame yesterday, so I didn't have a chance to finish my puzzle, but I did it first thing this morning, so it is done. Also...first thing this morning, I realized that the computer that came back to me "fixed" was in fact, not fixed. So I'm still dealing with that which isn't that fun, but I have a great guy I've been talking to on the phone about it. I'm confident it will all work out.
Today is all about Phoenix. Lily's daughter. I'm babysitting her all day. Right now she's napping. Before that we ate strawberries and played outside. I'm thinking we'll hit up a park when she wakes up. It's quiet in the house, which is funny since the whole family is here, plus a baby. I'm grateful that the pets aren't trying to play right now.
I was hoping to get some coaching work done today to prepare for my new client, but I'm just not sure if it's in the cards since I have baby. I'm going to try.
Challenge 83: Work on welcome packet
83 down. 282 to go.
Friday, April 2, 2010
Challenge 82: Finish puzzle
April 2, 2010
Today is already shaping up to be a cool day. Lately I've been working on shifting my energy (hippie-dippie...I know) around accepting abundance into my life, and already today, FOUR things have shown up.
The puppy is full of energy this morning, darting from one end of the house to the other. Outside it's windy, grey, and rainy, but it isn't bothering me. I just got off the phone with a coach friend of mine and had an inspiring and great call. I love this stuff.
Yesterday my challenge was to work on some social media stuff and make an appointment with Lisa. I did both of those things and more. With the social media stuff, in the past I've just jumped right in and started going for it. But this time around, I want to be more educated on how to make it the most beneficial, and also what my message actually is before I start reaching out. I'm thinking of it more like how I used to think of band business...it's all about branding and having all your sources point to all your other sources. Having a common message, a common look. Although I have an idea what I want my brand to be, I'm not sure, and I don't want to start reaching out until I am. So I'm taking my time with this one. It's somewhat an unfamiliar way to go about doing it, but it feels right.
I also got a new client today. So I really want to work on my intake package for our call next week. I also have a puzzle to do.
I'm sitting here very grateful for what is coming to me lately.
Challenge 82: Finish puzzle
82 down. 283 to go.
Today is already shaping up to be a cool day. Lately I've been working on shifting my energy (hippie-dippie...I know) around accepting abundance into my life, and already today, FOUR things have shown up.
The puppy is full of energy this morning, darting from one end of the house to the other. Outside it's windy, grey, and rainy, but it isn't bothering me. I just got off the phone with a coach friend of mine and had an inspiring and great call. I love this stuff.
Yesterday my challenge was to work on some social media stuff and make an appointment with Lisa. I did both of those things and more. With the social media stuff, in the past I've just jumped right in and started going for it. But this time around, I want to be more educated on how to make it the most beneficial, and also what my message actually is before I start reaching out. I'm thinking of it more like how I used to think of band business...it's all about branding and having all your sources point to all your other sources. Having a common message, a common look. Although I have an idea what I want my brand to be, I'm not sure, and I don't want to start reaching out until I am. So I'm taking my time with this one. It's somewhat an unfamiliar way to go about doing it, but it feels right.
I also got a new client today. So I really want to work on my intake package for our call next week. I also have a puzzle to do.
I'm sitting here very grateful for what is coming to me lately.
Challenge 82: Finish puzzle
82 down. 283 to go.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Challenge 81: Social media work and setting up a meeting with Lisa
April 1, 2010
It's a brand new month and 30 more days of challenges to come. This is fun. I have to admit that my monthly goal of losing 5 pounds didn't happen. I don't think. I'm actually not sure because I don't have a scale in the house. I've been pretty active lately, and that feels good. Getting out at least once (but usually 2 or 3 times) for 30 minutes with the dog, walking instead of driving when I can, and going on hikes and opting for healthy meals when a pizza (or other delicious fatty meals)rears it's ugly head. I can feel myself have more energy. I feel good about all that. BUT...ultimately...I want my chiseled body back. Just have to figure out a way to do that within my schedule, which is much different from the last time I chiseled myself. Overall...I'm pretty happy.
Lately, my days have been centered around coaching. Whether I'm actually on calls, or studying the model, or listening to open topic calls or online discussions. I feel much more in the know about a lot of things and that feels great. I listened to a call on social media last night and got some great ideas. And yesterday, I not only finished my notes on the "Balance" part of the course, but I did some extra work on various other topics. Feeling good about all that and I want to learn and grow.
Today is Thursday, coaching day. My appointments start in about an hour and go pretty much all day. I'm looking forward to it all. Right now, the puppy is literally staring in my face, waiting to be taken out on a walk. So I must go.
Challenge 81: Social media work and setting up a meeting with Lisa
81 down. 284 to go
It's a brand new month and 30 more days of challenges to come. This is fun. I have to admit that my monthly goal of losing 5 pounds didn't happen. I don't think. I'm actually not sure because I don't have a scale in the house. I've been pretty active lately, and that feels good. Getting out at least once (but usually 2 or 3 times) for 30 minutes with the dog, walking instead of driving when I can, and going on hikes and opting for healthy meals when a pizza (or other delicious fatty meals)rears it's ugly head. I can feel myself have more energy. I feel good about all that. BUT...ultimately...I want my chiseled body back. Just have to figure out a way to do that within my schedule, which is much different from the last time I chiseled myself. Overall...I'm pretty happy.
Lately, my days have been centered around coaching. Whether I'm actually on calls, or studying the model, or listening to open topic calls or online discussions. I feel much more in the know about a lot of things and that feels great. I listened to a call on social media last night and got some great ideas. And yesterday, I not only finished my notes on the "Balance" part of the course, but I did some extra work on various other topics. Feeling good about all that and I want to learn and grow.
Today is Thursday, coaching day. My appointments start in about an hour and go pretty much all day. I'm looking forward to it all. Right now, the puppy is literally staring in my face, waiting to be taken out on a walk. So I must go.
Challenge 81: Social media work and setting up a meeting with Lisa
81 down. 284 to go
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